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Weight Loss for Everyone: I'm tired of being overweight. I am starting tomorrow (because I'm going to bed right now).

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

I'm tired of being overweight. I am starting tomorrow (because I'm going to bed right now).

I don't ever remember a time where I wasn't overweight. I have always had a relationship with food where I see it and I eat it. I am 5'10" and have always been told that I weigh as much as I do because of my height and that I don't need to lose any because I carry it well. I am now at my heaviest at almost 275 lbs and I'm genuinely just sick of it. I feel like I'm missing out on all the things I used to love or look forward to because I'm either self conscious or too big. I'm scared to go to amusement parks because I don't think my thighs will fit in the chair and the thought of getting told that in front of a massive line of people is a nightmare. I couldn't go ziplining in Tennessee because I weighted juuust too much. I don't ever get dressed up or try to look good because I just don't feel like I will ever succeed at it. At this point, it is majorly affecting my relationship and our sex life and I am just sick of it.

So, today I ordered a treadmill. I have MyFitnessPal and plan to use that since it helped me lose the only 5 pounds I have ever lost in my life earlier this year. I will be tracking my calories and setting goals and forming habits I hope I will keep. And through it all I'm going to try to find hobbies and new things that make me happy and work towards getting back to a place where I felt good and happy because I have never tasted a slice of pizza that felt as good as it would feel to go dress shopping in an actual store or get excited to be with my boyfriend or actually look forward to going out with my coworkers and not get anxiety about what I'm going to wear or not have to turn down opportunities like ziplining or go karting out of fear or to just wear a damn crop top again. I don't even want to be skinny. I just want to feel good about my body again. Potatoes aren't worth it. And when I accomplish my goals I'm getting my vagina pierced and a giant shoulder tattoo.

So, this account is dedicated to that. And I hope to be here often.

submitted by /u/ItsMeButLess
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