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Weight Loss for Everyone: Step #1 - You need a good weight loss plan. This is my 6 phase plan.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Step #1 - You need a good weight loss plan. This is my 6 phase plan.

Many people get started in their weight loss journey and all they see is a long road ahead of uncertainty and hard work.

But what you need is a well formed planned that creates reachable goals and small wins.

To create a good plan break each part into its own phase.

Phase 1 - Nutrition

Pick 3 WHOLE FOODS for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks that are low carb, high in protein and contain natural fats.

For example beef, eggs, nuts, avocados, cheese, chicken, pork, and vegetables that mix well with olive oil.

Phase 2 - Food Preparation

Buy the necessary equipment to prepare yourself for a successful food preparation operation like a kitchen scale, and containers.

Map out your days and time that you can prepare the food.

Recommended 3-4 hours for beginners, but it will keep coming down after practice.

The most successful people that prepare food and lose weight stick to eating the same foods, The only changes are slight variations that do not change the overall procedures.

Phase 3 - Macro planning

Now that you have your 3 favorite foods picked out you need to chart their macros to fit into your daily caloric intake.

You need to know how much servings of each you need to buy, cook, and store.

Easier when you measure in grams and get the nutrition data in grams.

Be realistic with your food cost budget here, if you cannot afford steak and salmon as a regular protein 3 times a week do not add it to this list.

Include food that fit your budget and meet the macros for 1 whole week.

Phase 4 - The Cooking

Look up simple recepies to get started, the most beginner friendly is baked chicken breast and sautéed vegetables.

Start with what is easy. If you need to mix a bunch of stuff together you are doing it wrong for a beginner. Go back and find something clear and simple.

Vegetables only need sautéing or better yet rely on avocados that require no cooking and have more of the important nutrients then any other vegetable or fruit gram for gram.

If you have time in the morning to prepare eggs and eat a good breakfast it’s highly recommended you start the day this way.

Another great breakfast tip is to have deli cuts in the fridge. You can easily get 30-50g of protein with eggs and deli cuts.

Phase 5 - Fasting

Intermitting fasting is recommended for everyone that is on a weight los journey. Not only will it help you lose weight and make you stronger in fighting off cravings it will also save you time in food preparation.

If you skip any of the 3 main meals there is only 2 meals to worry about in preparation. In reality only one meal because you can easily have a healthy meal with eggs and deli cuts that require less than 10 minutes of cooking.

Research intermittent fasting and plan when is the best time for you to be fasted and when is the best time to break the fast and eat.

Another important part of fasting is hydration, make sure you have a good plan for drinking enough water throughout the day. That includes having a good water bottle, adding different minerals and salt if needed.

Phase 6 - Exercise

80% of your success will come from your nutrition plan but exercise plays a big role in developing discipline.

The key here is to start with only the behavior changes. Instead of looking at the gym like a big unknown just plan to show up 5 times a week no matter what happens.

Walk on the treadmill for at least an hour if you do not know what to do. Or just walk outside if the weather permits.

The key to exercising is to just show up, and make it fit into your schedule.

Do your fitness planning at the gym if you can too. Show up to watch fitness videos on Youtube when you don’t “feel” like working out.

Just show up, keep showing up, and don’t stop showing up.


The 6 phases each require their own research, implementation, and discipline.

There is also no specific order because one affects the other, so this is something you can start planning and learn to make changes along the way.

Enjoy the journey as much as the destination, big weight changes don’t happen over night but with the right plan your attitude and outlook can be completely different.

submitted by /u/dogpound_
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