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Weight Loss for Everyone: NSV: Small Pants!

Friday, March 6, 2020

NSV: Small Pants!

A year and a half ago I got angry at my size frustrated with chasing the scale and threw the darned thing out.

I knew my issue was due to bad habits: not really moving and binge eating at night while Netflix and chilling with my husband.

I set a goal for a size: 12. I had a goal dress in the closet.

I started walking every morning 2-3 miles. Rain, snow or sun. I stopped eating at night.

By July of last year I was solidly in a size 14 (down from 1-2x). Everyone told me how awesome I looked and asked me for my sekrets! No one seemed to believe that it was just behavior changing.

In September I wore the dress to a party. Socks were knocked off. It was a beautiful moment.

By Christmas I was getting “Are you okay?” “You’re not starving yourself?”

No. But my movement rings have been closed every day for a year now. And my portion sizes are smaller.

Yesterday we were shopping and my husband says, “Humor me, try these on, I think your pants are getting too big.”

Can’t be, I think. I am in my goal size! Happy with most of my body now (just loose skin tummy pooch). But I humor him.

Two pairs later ( as I didn’t believe the first) and I have surpassed my goal. I am, for the first time in 19 years ( before my second son was born), a size 10!

I can’t wait for my physical in August. My doc will be very proud.

No scale so no idea on weight. But from 2x to 10 in just under 2 years. No fads. No drugs.

If this 48-year-old mom of four can do it, so can you!

submitted by /u/geekgirl717
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