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Weight Loss for Everyone: Food tastes WAY better when...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Food tastes WAY better when...

You're not constantly binging.

When I'm constantly stuffing my face, I don't develop that strong of an appetite. And my taste buds aren't that sensitive to any food I'm eating.

The rest of this is just me journaling for my own record. So it may bore you.

My starting weight is 204 lbs. I'm 6'0 so really not that bad. My goal weight is 170, however.

Reasons why I want this:

  • 23 BMI and under (ceterus paribus) is the truly healthy, normal weight for most humans.

  • The less I weigh, the easier work is day to day. The easier it is to move around.

  • I look damn good at 170. Cut as hell. Veiny arms. Chisseled stomach. I want that back. I know that's shallow, but I really like it.

  • I want to overcome my food addiction. Which I know that I have.

  • I gain weight in places I really don't like to. Ass and thighs. Only recently has this weight started to creep up onto my abdominal area.

  • Running becomes a lot easier, and far less damaging, once I take off this 34 lbs backpack off.

  • Fighting weight. If I ever decide to fight again.

  • I want to be an extraordinary example for those around me. In every way. I want to be the guy that people look at and say "well he did it. Maybe I can too"

  • I want to one day attempt to actually help solve the obesity epidemic in America. How can I do this of I, myself, am overweight.

  • I'm just so much more prideful of myself when I'm trim, and cut. And not pigging out.

  • Damnit I HATE not being able to fit into pants correctly.

  • At the rate I've been going, my weight gain likely won't stop. It'll continue to creep up. Slowly but surely. This is where I hold the damn line. And push it back.

  • The feeling of being bloated is pretty horrible.

  • Excellent...Function....

Today wasn't really hard. But the fact of having to do this for the next four months is a little intimidating.

One thing I keep struggling with is this fantasy that I should just switch to another diet that's better.

But I keep conceding to the well written advice in the quick starts: "all other diets are just derivatives of CICO".

So the truth is, I can absolutely try those other diets. BUT I STILL HAVE TO COUNT! THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS!

submitted by /u/topdizzel
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