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Weight Loss for Everyone: After years and years of the starvation - binge cycle, I think I’ve finally showed myself that I can do this sustainably.

Monday, March 2, 2020

After years and years of the starvation - binge cycle, I think I’ve finally showed myself that I can do this sustainably.

So I made this post about my binge mentality before, and how I would basically restrict my calories to very very little for a few weeks, and then I would have ONE bad meal and go on a massive, massive binge, and then a few months later I would try again. I’ve been like that since I was thirteen. (I’m 21)

Well, this time things are different. I’ve done a LOT more research, understood CICO, and most importantly made myself a PROMISE to eat 1500 calories a day. Not ‘under 1500’, because that leads to me eating 800 and thinking I’m being ‘good’, but no, eating 1500, which I’ll reduce as I lose weight if my TDEE calculation changes, so as to always maintain a defecit of 500cals. It’s SO much easier than before, because while I CAN budget my favourite bingey foods into my daily calories, it feels a bit like wasting money to me: why eat a doughnut when you could have LOADS of sweet potato mash or tasty asian broccili? This way seems so much more sustainable, and I’ve lost 10lbs since Feb 10!

Anyway, onto the actual story. I’m from a fairly wealthy foodie family, and while I don’t live with them and I haven’t for a long time, I do visit them occasionally and I am always amazed at the amount of gourmet food and wine etc that they go in for. It’s one of those ‘dad’s so busy we only see him at dinner so we’d better make it fancy’ situations. Definietly not what I’d spend that type of money on, but to each their own I guess, and they work hard and aren’t really hurting anyone.

So, I knew we’d be going out to my parent’s favourite restaurant when I visited this weekend. This is a really fancy french restaurant, and if you know french cooking you know it’s super creamy, calorific, and the pastries are divine, but are basically pure sugar. So we went and I was really nervous about blowing all my progress and bingeing all weekend as a result. I was already a bit anxious since I’d had less control over my food intake just BEING at my parents’: we’d had family over the night before and I’d eaten over my calorie intake despite basically fasting all day because I knew it was coming. Anyway, I ordered what I saw as low calorie options: shellfish, fish, etc. It was all delicious, as it always is. I told my parents that I’m not drinking for lent, because I didn’t want to tell them I was trying to lose weight as mum has always body shamed me a bit and I didn’t really want to give her the satisfaction (childish, I know). I did have one glass of champagne because it was a special occasion, though. I also had what is basically caremelised apple pie for pudding. so,so,so good though.

I left feeling full and satisfied, but absolutely sure I would have put on at least 5lbs. I felt a bit deflated about it but I managed not to binge, made myself a low calorie breakfast and headed home the next day. This morning (I always weigh myself in the morning) I found that I’d actually LOST a lb over the weekend!!! LOST!! I was amazed, because all my restrictive boundaries had been crossed, I’d eaten ‘over’ my self-prescribed calorie limit, and it felt like failiure. But it wasn’t - I’d just told myself it was. It would have been failiure if I’d gone ahead and binged all day yesterday, but I didn’t.

So, to all you who’ve eaten ‘one bad meal’: take courage. You’re probably okay! Just keep going in making these lifestyle changes. I’ve probablyhad 70 ish meals since I started, and this ONE really ‘bad’ meal can’t ruin those SEVENTY good choices. Keep going, friends, it’s going to be a long road but a good one!

submitted by /u/diggersforvictory
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