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Weight Loss for Everyone: Advice for Yo-Yo Dieters

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Advice for Yo-Yo Dieters

Hey, I understand the situation you’re in. You want nothing more than to lose the weight, have that slim body you’ve always wanted & feel comfortable in your own skin.

But it seems that no matter how hard you try, what you want is out of reach. You’ll go on a diet, workout really hard & even lose weight. Hell, some of you will lose a lot of weight.

No matter how much weight you lose though, it always seems to come back again. Like a really f*cking annoying boomerang or a crazy ex that shows up outside your house at 2am.

For some of you it comes back slow & it’s only after a couple of months or a year that you really notice. For others, you gain the weight back almost as quickly as you lost it.

This cycle repeats itself over & over & over again. Each time you notice the number on the scale seems to get bigger not smaller. Each time you try to lose it gets harder, not easier.

This is the vicious trap of yo-yo dieting that so many people get sucked into.

If you can relate in any way whatsoever to what I’ve said, I have some good news & I have some bad news.

The Bad News

“If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’re going to get what you’ve always gotten.” - Tony Robbins

Everytime most people decide they want to lose weight (again), they will:

  • Follow [insert name of popular diet] or cut out things like junk food, sugar, carbs, etc.
  • Start exercising a lot

Listen, diets like Low Carb or Keto or whatever the diet of the week can get you great results. But the problem with these “fad diets” is that they’re fads. Most people can’t stick to them over the long-term.

Hence where the problem arises. You won’t achieve permanent weight loss by following a fad diet for a couple of weeks / months. It’s almost impossible.

Well, once most people finish those diets they go back to old habits which quickly brings back all the kilos & pounds. You may think that “No, this diet is better, this time will be different” - it probably isn’t and probably won’t be.

All of this is before we even consider the effects of metabolic adaptation in response to weight loss which slows down metabolism & increases hunger signals, making it more difficult to lose weight & easier to gain it back - that’s a kettle of fish I’ll leave for another post.

The Good News

Yes, there is good news. I’m not just fear-mongering or using some cheap shock tactics. I want to give you a practitioner’s perspective & what I see all the time with clients.

Ok, so where’s that good news?

It is possible to lose weight & keep it off. It’s possible to finally have the body you’ve always wanted. It’s possible to live a healthy, happy & fulfilling lifestyle.

I know this because I’ve seen it happen first hand & I know exactly what it takes to get there. Unfortunately, there is no life-changing wisdom I can distill into a few “quick tips”. We take our clients through 16+ hours worth of educational content to teach them this stuff.

But I’ll do my best...

Top 5 Tips to Overcome Yo-Yo Dieting & Lose Weight Permanently

1. Permanent Weight Loss Through Permanent Changes to your Diet & Lifestyle. You should not just be “losing weight”. You should be making small, positive changes every day to your diet & lifestyle that will stick with you FOREVER. This means learning healthy eating habits, practicing regular exercise, managing stress & emotions, etc. You should be doing this, not just because you want to lose weight - but because you enjoy living an overall healthy lifestyle.

2. Change Your Mindset to Change Your Behaviour to Change Your Life. Most weight loss diets & advice out there focus on the short-term behaviour change needed to lose weight i.e eat less, move more. This is great but it fails to address the underlying root or foundation of all behaviour, that’s your mindset/psychology. This is arguably the most important aspect of weight loss. Adopting a mindset that supports your goals, instead of one that self-sabotages you.

3. Controlling Your Caloric Intake. This is pretty much common sense but for some reason so many people miss this completely. Weight loss is as simple as calories in vs calories out (I said simple, not easy). If you are able to control your caloric intake, you are able to control your weight loss (or weight gain). The science suggests that those individuals who monitor their food intake in some way are most successful long-term with weight loss. It makes sense why.

4. Maintain Regular Exercise. We already mentioned this in point 1 but it’s worth mentioning again. One of the biggest predictors of long-term weight loss success if regular exercise. This isn’t just my opinion, this is what the research says. There are too many reasons why exercise is so amazing to even mention. It also goes far beyond just weight loss - exercise has literally a bajillion (yes that’s a real number) health benefits. Just find exercise you actually like doing, there is something for everyone.

5. PATIENCE GOD DAMN IT. Rome wasn’t built in a day (but it burned in one). Real positive change at the physical, psychological & neurochemical level takes time. You have to be able to delay gratification & “keep your eyes on the prize” for long enough to let the change happen. Remember, waves at the beach don’t carve out the rock because of their force but because of their persistence *cough* CONSISTENCY.

Hope this helped someone!

submitted by /u/kevin_fatlossheroes
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