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Weight Loss for Everyone: I need help

Thursday, March 26, 2020

I need help

Hello, i am a 17 year old male looking to lose fat, specifically stomach fat, chest fat, and face fat. I am not really interested in looking buff, so my main goal here is to lose that fat and look toned and lean. I also want to gain some muscle on my arms, at least to the point where they are noticeable. Since we are currently under a stay at home order i figured it would be best to start now. I plan on buying a heavy bag and some weights (barbell). I am lost and really need help, is training with a barbell good for my goal? Is there anything better at helping me achieve my goal? I also really struggle on finding a correct “diet” for this goal. Can anyone tell me what exactly i should eat and when? What should my sleeping and workout routine be? At the moment my diet and sleeping routine are pretty sloppy, but i want to start changing that. How long would i have to train a day for? How long until i see changes? Any help is appreciated.

submitted by /u/aUser87
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