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Weight Loss for Everyone: I feel a little bit like a unicorn

Thursday, March 26, 2020

I feel a little bit like a unicorn

Is anyone else eating LESS because of the stay-at-home order? I went from having primarily my two toddlers home and two in school and a husband at work and commuting all day to all 6 of us together all day. They keep me so busy!

Don't get me wrong, my toddlers kept me busy too but they napped a lot and played and we snacked a lot all day so I'd snack with them. Now I'm just a snackmaker/chef/referee/entertainer or we just run around the yard so they can use up some energy. I'm so tired and I've lost two pounds since the quarantine and I am all for it. I haven't been outside this much around my own house in forever. We've been gardening,trimming trees and bushes, throwing the ball around, racing, playing tag and as an introvert I love being able to have a valid reason not to go anywhere. I could get used to this.

submitted by /u/baxoxig
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