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Weight Loss for Everyone: Why is losing weight SO STUPID HARD!?

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Why is losing weight SO STUPID HARD!?

I (42M, 5’11’m, CW: 260, GW: 200) am currently on try number 84,326 of trying to lose weight over the past 10 years. Every time I get back on the wagon, I lose about 11 pounds over about 3 weeks and then give up because it’s SO slow and SO hard. I’m addicted to food. I’m an emotional eater. I know these things about me. I want so badly to lose the weight but I honestly have no motivation. I’m at about 1.5 weeks of CICO right now (and I’ve tried pretty much every diet that exists—nothing takes, nothing works). Down 7 lbs last week (which is great, but week one is always that way with water weight and what not) and I’m just sitting here absolutely miserable. I’m not hungry, per se, but I want food so bad. I sit here asking myself why I’m doing this to myself. Why am I depriving myself of going to get Chic-Fil-A right now? I’m a grown adult! I should be able to eat what I want, when I want. And I’m grumpy all day because I’m not eating yummy junk food and stuffing myself. Why live life miserable like this? I’m happy when I’m eating something unhealthy.

In the end, I suppose I know the answers: wait it out and it’ll get easier, etc. But it’s just. so. hard. Like, the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Hence the reason I always end up giving up.

If anyone else has been in my shoes, what did you use for motivation? Any encouraging words? I hate the way I feel when I’m dieting. And please don’t say, “you can’t think of it as dieting; you have to think of it as a lifestyle change.” Nothing would make me give up faster. There’s no way I can live my whole life deprived of the foods I love. I’d rather be fat.

submitted by /u/Harmonic7eventh
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