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Weight Loss for Everyone: If you have lost weight and you’re still wearing your old clothes...

Saturday, May 29, 2021

If you have lost weight and you’re still wearing your old clothes...

Bite the bullet if you’re financially able and get some that fit! I lost 57 lbs last year and never did update my wardrobe thanks to COVID. I wear scrubs to work, so really just have been wearing whatever on the weekends.

Until today. I tried on some size 12 shorts and medium tops, and I felt HOT for the first time in years. I was previously busting out of size 18 bottoms and in a snug fit with XL shirts.

I’m still not to my goal, but haven’t been trying to be for months. I’m now motivated again and no longer wearing tents that do nothing for my figure.

Any other tricks for motivation after a long break from calorie counting? Thankfully already into exercise.

submitted by /u/khart01
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