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Weight Loss for Everyone: I (F) lost 100 lbs and I noticed my female friends acting weird when I'm around their boyfriends and it hurts me because I feel somehow guilty of I don't know what.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

I (F) lost 100 lbs and I noticed my female friends acting weird when I'm around their boyfriends and it hurts me because I feel somehow guilty of I don't know what.

Now that I lost weight I get showered with compliments every day from strangers and became the attractive friend I've never been. There is however something that makes me feel guilty and I don't know why.. My female friends have evidently become jealous of me when their partners are around, when they thought I wasn't paying attention I heard them having a dig at their bfs for looking at me or just treating me with "too much familiarity". Sometimes when we're eating together they always want to force me to binge although they know I'm obsessed with fear of gaining weight again. They're like "you can't live like this forever l, always calorie counting" and when I'm at their place they literally put an entire box of junk food on the table knowing I'm still not able to control myself around junk food.

It's been happening also when I walk down the street and see random couples, the girl is usually always scrutinizing me from head to toe. What the heck should I do and why do they act like this? I know it seems like I'm bragging but I don't like being treated as if having lost weight is a crime. I hate it. And it makes me want to hide in baggy clothes and not be stared at.

submitted by /u/Himmel011
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