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Weight Loss for Everyone: A super unfit beginner needing advice please!

Friday, May 28, 2021

A super unfit beginner needing advice please!

Hi all! I'm a 25 year old female (UK) and in the worst shape. I've put on 2 clothes sizes since September (started a master's course) and I'm so unfit right now I struggle walking 5 minutes to the shops (I'm super embarrassed).

Background: I have 0 self control, need something sustainable (no crash diets), I suffer from depression and anxiety so it's hard to motivate myself to even get out the house right now, but I know I should feel better if I'm healthier. It's not so much about loosing the weight (though I definitely would like too as none of my clothes fit), as it is about getting healthier. Even the UK 'NHS couch to 5k' is too steep a climb for me right now so I need something to ease me in and hopefully build upon. I'm not looking for quick fixes or crash diets.

I would be so grateful if anyone who started their fitness journey from a similar starting point could give me advice on what worked for them e.g. if there are any fitness programmes they followed, or where they started.

Apologies for the long post, and thank you for reading if you got this far! X

submitted by /u/Shanomnom76
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