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Weight Loss for Everyone: Today's the day I take my body back. (again)

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Today's the day I take my body back. (again)

Howdy friends! I hope you are all doing well. I am making this post to kind of lay everything out, and to give myself a kick in the pants that I oh so desperately need. When I began highschool, I became somewhat of a vacuum, suctioning up food whenever I could. As a result, I became Sir Cumference, Knight of the dinner table, weighing in at over 185 pounds at just 5'4". I had long hair, acne, the works!

Obviously, something needed to change. Luckily, I found my passion for tennis, and I dropped down to the mid-130's as I substituted being served food for being able to serve. Life was good all throughout the summer, and I maintained a nice weight too. However, over the past several months, things have started to revert back to my Order of the Dinner Table ways. My whole day has become centered around "What's for dinner tonight?" And "When can I get my next meal?" As such, I have gained several pounds, bringing me back up to 150 pounds at 5'6". (Also, I'm 17 years old, just FYI) While I do have a somewhat muscular build, my fat collects around my waist, and it really hurts the self esteem. So, I stand before you today to ask for your support in reclaiming my body.

I am setting the goal of reaching 135-140 pounds by the summer's end, and I plan on reaching this goal by watching what and how much I eat. I also intend to listen to my body, and eat when I'm hungry, not just because I'm bored. I've had enough of the binging, and feeling terrible afterwards. I'm sick of having a good "eating day" ruined in 20 minutes of thoughtless munching. This is my commitment to myself, and you guys and gals, that I WILL reach this goal. I WILL free myself from junk food's shackles. I've done it once, and I am more than capable of doing it again.

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading! I just wanted to get it all out, so I can have a great start to taking back what's mine. Please leave some kind words below, I'll need all the support I can get!

Thanks again, and best of luck to you all in your own journeys!

submitted by /u/xXNoisyBoy03Xx
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