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Weight Loss for Everyone: I need to lose serious weight and dont know where to start.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

I need to lose serious weight and dont know where to start.

hi, I'm Nate, I'm 13 years old. i have started becoming conscious of my health and after going to the doctor i have became very aware that i am bordering obesity. i am 191lbs and 5,9. i have been eating healthier and less, watching my calories and eating healthier foods. I usually eat 1700 calories a day and take a 30 minute bike ride. this obviously isn't nearly enough and I want to know what workouts to do and how long to do them. i do have some equipment at home such as a set of dumbbells, rowing machine, and lots of hiking trails around me. (this stuff is my older brothers but he lets me use it.)

my average eating every day is a smoothie in the morning, ( spinach, berry mix, protein powder, and almond milk.) whatever they have at school for lunch, a snack when i get home, such as cottage cheese, beans and corn tortillas, or a salad. my mom cooks very healthy for dinner so we will always have veggies and protein.

if there is a way to, i would love to improve my overall strength, especially my core and lower body. ( i am starting karate this summer and have been very interested in freerunning.) i am coming up to my growth spurt, as i was 5,6 in January and now 5,9. my whole family has been very tall, my brother is 6,4, my dad is 6,2 and my mom is 5,9.

finally, i do have alot of time on my hands so if something will take a while it is still something i am open to. Thank you so much!

submitted by /u/get-skibidid
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