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Weight Loss for Everyone: Around 7 months ago my dad caught me with an ungodly amount of food that I was planning to binge. The sheer embarrassment of getting caught set me on the path to getting healthy. I'm 36.3kgs down!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Around 7 months ago my dad caught me with an ungodly amount of food that I was planning to binge. The sheer embarrassment of getting caught set me on the path to getting healthy. I'm 36.3kgs down!

At my first weigh in I was 144.7kg. For reference I'm only 5'6". I was eating myself to death. I've been severely depressed my whole life and my form of self harm was binge eating. Spending all the money I had on junk food, and was suffering from severe headaches everyday without fail.

Fast forward to now, my headaches are completely gone(I assume cutting out sugar did this) I can count on one hand how many times I've caved and ate something I shouldnt of and this past Monday I weighed in at 108.4kg

I've lost 36.3kgs and I'm so proud of myself, I just had to share since i dont really have anyone in my life apart from my immediate family to tell.

I've still got alot to lose to be at a healthy weight and my journey is very much ongoing, but I'm proud of where I am right now.

I've still got my share of mental health issues, but working with mental health professionals to help stem the binge eating is what I credit to being able to stick to my diet.

submitted by /u/Rabiid
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