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Weight Loss for Everyone: Hello r/loseit

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Hello r/loseit

I started coming to this subreddit some 4 - 5 years ago. 5 years ago, I began a weight loss journey that saw me lose 125 lbs in total. started out as a low carb diet, that worked until I found a way to overeat on it, lol. Not really judging myself, I literally did not know what a calorie was. low carb worked when I was eating bacon salads because I cut out Doritos and pizza. not too surprising really. anyway, on that low carb diet, I lost about 70 lbs, down from 280 to 210. I looked pretty good If I may say so myself. I also still had hair (but I rock the bald look anyway, lol). anyway, as I said, I gained some weight back by eating a lot of chilli and bologna. again, I didn't know what a calorie was, lol. it was low carb, I was having fun, etc, etc. put 30 lbs on over a few months, didn't like how I looked (still 1000x better than my starting point). then I learned what a calorie was and how to go about tracking them. It was due to this subreddit. due to this subreddit, I lost that 30 lbs and then some. I ended up down to a low of 155. which was probably too low tbh, lol. that was about a year ago when I got to my lowest weight. since then, I've regained about 40... I'm at around 195. pretty much been binge-eating for a year now, and may have only gotten a hold of it now. who knows though. I've thought that a few times over the past few months. I do not need to get back down to 155. in fact, I do not want to... in retrospect, I really didn't look all that great anyway. I truly feel like I looked my best after binging my way up to about 180. little high body fat % and I didn't look tremendous around the middle, but my face really worked, lol. anyway, I'll dispense with the humblebrags now. I have a problem with food... I always have and it's unfortunate that I have to go it alone. I've never had a great influence with respect to that, so yeah. I'm not blaming others, I'm just making this post to hold myself accountable. I fucked up, plain and fuckin simple. I cannot live like this... the extra fat on my body is not much relatively, but binge-eating is bad, plain and simple... so is undereating and eating "too clean". I will not regain all of my weight. I will not live a life eating unhealthy amounts of food, period. this muthafucka needs some balance, let me tell ya, but I'll never stop believing that I can eventually find it. thanks, r/loseit. you helped me all those years ago and now I am making this post to put my failure on display because I do not want to hide from this failure, and I want to display this problem that I have in front of people who know that my situation is not ideal. I can display my problem in front of my family and they will brush it off and treat it as though it is no big deal, but they are wrong. here I am r/loseit. I dun fucked up, but I'm going to fix it.

submitted by /u/upsidedownpickle12
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