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Weight Loss for Everyone: how i become more confident?

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

how i become more confident?

i don't know if this is the right forum but here goes....

i have been overweight my whole life and that has really messed with my confidence (in terms of my looks, dating and taking photos etc). my confidence talking to new people, joking/laughing, at work and with friends has never been a problem. its like a different personality altogether is activated. if you met me - as most people who know me well say - you would NEVER think i have a confidence issue unless i explicitly admitted so (which i have to close friends only).

being overweight, unhappy with my body and all has really put me down - not only from me internally but my family who are very open about me needing to lose weight (lol). years of being teased (i am 29 now) has left my self esteem and condfidence in the gutter. recently, i had a total mental breakdown where i cried i felt depressed in front of my parents and honestly since then they havent said anything to me. plus i have been making serious effort to lose weight this last 7/8 months.

i have lost 30lbs (i still 282lbs lol so sad) and its slow because i cant stay on track. i want to date but i feel inferior to all these beautiful slim pretty girls. i feel like men like my personality but would never want to date me. i go on apps, i match but never meet anyone cos im worried they will think i am fat and ugly in person. i am breaking down more and more in front of friends (and i dont want to feel so weak) because i just feel so low all the time.

i am doing therapy and believe it not i actually feel better than i did before. but i guess my question is how can i go about improving my self confidence.

i want to walk in this world happy and positive. i dont want to worrying 24/7 about calories and diet, about guys not messaging me back or ghosting me, about whole horrible all my clothes look or whatever. i hate always putting myself down and expecting others to validate me by saying im funny or something. i want to be secure in myself. i want to be happy for ME. i dont want to dwell on being single (forever lol).

anyway thanks for reading. just needed to get it off my chest.

submitted by /u/stressedoutpeach1
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