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Weight Loss for Everyone: Second target achieved, onto my next. I am half of my highest weight

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Second target achieved, onto my next. I am half of my highest weight

Post #1 here

Post #2 here

Alright then, what do we have here? An M/27/5'6" tall indian, who went from 131ish kgs to 65.5 kgs. How it all started, and some of my experiences have been linked above. Whatever is left, I will try to cover in this post or as comments.

So, in the last post, I had mentioned that I am unsure of my target. I think I am now. I am planning to stay under 68 kgs, pack on more muscles, have a lean physique. If I feel like bulking at any point, I might, we'll cross the bridge when it comes.

With that out of the mind, MFAQ, how did I do it? There were stages, although mentioned in my previous posts, I will summarise them again -

Food: Started with a crash diet of 900-1000 cal a day, with drinking 8-9 ltr of water. Basically curbing my hunger with water. Gradually increased it to 1200, then 1400, now I am at 1800, 4-5 ltr of water. I had no idea about importance of protein initially, post 1200 update, I started with 100gm, 120, 130 and now at 150gm. I don't monitor carbs or fat, as Indian diet has them in plenty.

Workout: Started with Nike Training Club, then switched to cycling, then running, once gyms opened it was 3x weight training+3x running 5k, now I am back to cycling (25k thrice a week, 12k thrice) (switching with running if I feel like) and bodyweight training (thrice, using r/bodyweightfitness RR).

Now that I have seen all the positives and the negatives of it, let me share a few -


  1. I look good now. Much better than before. Even though people say I have lost my cuteness, I don't give a flying F.
  2. I feel good. I don't feel gloomy all day long. There's just so much more energy inside me.
  3. The health part. No need to subjectify this. It will be the same for everyone.
  4. You get to learn to be patient. It's gonna take time. Your body will disappoint you. It will do crazy stuff like gaining weight after one of your best runs, yet losing it after a heavy cheat meal.
  5. *For the extroverts* Lot's of attention and limelight. "Hey, have you met this guy? He has lost so n so kgs in so n so time, crazy no?"
  6. So many options in clothings!


  1. Eating disorders (probable). I am scared of eating food outside my diet plan now. Even though I have space for it. Going from 900 to 1800, only I know how much I had to convince myself to eat more as I was getting dizzy sometimes.
  2. Loose skin. Yeah, I know it's an achievement for me, like a battle scar, and it's better to have this over the excess fat. But I don't think anyone is going to like having this excess baggage. I can't help it, it's there. It's going to be there unless I get it removed.
  3. I had to change my entire wardrobe every other month. Unless you are in a WFH situation, You will have to allocate certain money to it.
  4. My fucking shoe size changed! This was so unexpected.

There might be a few more cons, but who cares? I am no longer obese is all that matters. I am in a healthy BMI range, If I get out of it, I better get out by gaining some muscles rather than fat.

Latest progress pic

PS. Advice needed from the experienced ones - how much should I eat for maintenance?

submitted by /u/anarchy911
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