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Weight Loss for Everyone: I lost more than 10 kg. Had been struggling since school.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

I lost more than 10 kg. Had been struggling since school.


I am a long term lurker here. I would like to give a little backstory.

When I was in school, I never weighed more than 55 kg. I am 157 cm tall. I mostly ate home cooked healthy meals ( basically fish, vegetables and rice). We did not have enough to spend on outside food.

When I went to college, finally I had my own money and I started eating out a lot. I slowly started gaining weight. I had no idea how to control it as I never had weight problems when I was in school. I was also active in some sport related things in school. Combined with sedentary lifestyle in college, I gained upto 65 kgs. I was in complete denial thinking my scale was broken. I did not take it seriously until a doctor told me to lose weight. I was shocked and humiliated and I had no idea how to. I thought I was not eating so much. I did not know how to lose weight without starving. I read articles about slow metabolism. And my skinny friend told me that these things are not under our control and that I have to accept I am fat and be done with it. This broke my heart as I felt my metabolism will never allow me to lose weight.

After college, it got worse. I had started taking anti depressants. And this lead to even more weight gain. I was terrified to look at the scale so I never did. I do not know how much I gained even now. I just saw my pictures and I could not recognise the person. This made me hate my body. During pandemic, I started eating chips and drinking beer to cope. I did not know I was gaining even more as I saw the same person in the mirror. I uploaded a selfie and a friend made fun of how big my cheeks are. That was always an insecurity of mine. I broke down and later frantically started searching for weight loss.

I had thought sugar was the problem and CICO was outdated. I saw some reddit threads and especially this sub that people are having success with CICO. Ofcourse, I refused to believe. I also believed the anti depressants had permanently damaged my metabolism, even more.

In an episode of self loathing, I decided to walk more and start a 1200 cal diet. Ofcourse, at that time, I did not do it accurately as I didnt have a food scale or measuring cups.

3,4 months later, my friends started noticing my weight loss which I was in denial of. But, as clothes started getting loose, I could not deny it. I started going to the gym and weighed myself and saw I was 68 kg. This was a punch in my stomach as I realised that I was more than 70 kg a few months back. But, I had to believe CICO was working. I got a food scale and started proper calorie counting. I never weighed myself after that. But, I saw my dress size had dropped by 2 sizes. Everyone was noticing the weight loss.

Finally, a couple of months back, I got the courage to go on the scale. I am now 54 to 55 kg. It has been steady for the past two months. I am very happy. I am not starving. And CICO did work. It gives me a lot of confidence to fix my eating as I have been hopeless for 7 to 8 years. The best thing is, I can still drink now and then, I still eat icecream and chips. And my period cramps have magically disappeared. I feel like myself again.

I cannot say these things to friends and celebrate my success as a lot of them are dealing with weight gain over the years and I do not want to come off as a brag. But, I had to let this out. Not feeling out of control with my body makes me feel so confident and I can't help but feel proud. Not because I am lighter but becuse I proved those people wrong who thought I can never lose weight.

submitted by /u/brown_girl_
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