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Weight Loss for Everyone: I don’t know how to do it again

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

I don’t know how to do it again

I’ve always been heavier. My previous highest weight was 215lbs (I am 5’5” female, 20 at the time). I made it all the way down to 148lbs, but mostly stayed at 155lbs. I did it the right way, too. I ate the right foods, went to the gym ~3 days a week, and did outdoor activities another 3-4 days a week. It was honestly easy, I was motivated, I was fueling and strengthening my body. I felt great. Then...I don’t know what happened. I went from having a college schedule with a part time waitress job to a full time desk job and that was it. I am now 28 and spend my days behind a desk at 250lbs - my new highest weight. I have no motivation or energy for the gym or for cooking. I crashed so hard. I don’t know how to do it again. It was so easy before.

The most frustrating thing is I feel like I went from living how people should naturally live, being able to move around a lot and having a schedule that doesn’t drain them. Now my day to day feels unnatural, but what can I do? I have to work. This is the “real world” I guess.

submitted by /u/maxxerin
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