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Weight Loss for Everyone: Fat shaming

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Fat shaming

I go to this writer's group, organised by a close friend. It is usually around noon at a local cafe. That day I've had a hectic morning and didn't have time for breakfast. When I got to the cafe I was famished and the only gluten free item was cake. So I buy a small slice, but before I could sit down, a member of the group called me out on getting cake. "Are you sure you want to eat cake? I mean you are overweight".
Yes, I could certainly lose some weight, but is it ever right to criticise someone in front of other people? Also, this person is an acquaintance, but not a friend. We have never met outside of the writer's group meetings.
Should I say anything to my close friend (the organiser of the group)? The other day it was only the 3 of us, and my friend left to take an important phone call, and I was left with the woman who embarrassed me. I felt awkward, but she was talking to me as if nothing had ever happened. So, was she ever right to say anything about the cake? And, should I ever mention the incident to my friend, the organiser?

submitted by /u/danceswithfishes
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