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Weight Loss for Everyone: Thanksgiving Real Talk

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thanksgiving Real Talk

Alright, tomorrow is the day! Many of you may have a gathering with family or friends that secretly, deep down, you have been dreading since Halloween. Let me tell you this, the day hasn't even arrived yet and you're already guilting yourself! You've got to stop that! You're shaming yourself before you've even sat down at the table. Now, try to relax. Take a deep breath. You're about to have a nice meal/day/evening with loved ones (atleast I hope) enjoy it! Drink a cocktail if you'd like. Have that slice of pie and hell take 2 dinner rolls because we all know you haven't had one in months because you're too busy kicking ass! Most importantly, do not guilt yourself for one second. Do not feel any shame for adding an extra scoop of cool whip or taking a shot of whatever because you cant stand your in-laws. Your hard work is not lost. You are not a failure. You have not had a set back. You definetly have not fallen off the wagon. Please, enjoy the day with out beating yourself up. I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

p.s. Turkey has a shit load of protein.

submitted by /u/badgerawk
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