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Weight Loss for Everyone: At my wits' end with my mother

Thursday, November 28, 2019

At my wits' end with my mother

Hi gang,

So I have a food problem, as most of us on this subreddit most likely have and I've accepted it. I have a lot of issues from my childhood that I won't get into, but I basically gained more than 100 pounds in the last four years. I'm 22-years-old and in college and I work a full-time job. I live in a different state than my parents, so I usually only see them once a year. Anyways, my issue is the things my mother says about me or to me. She thinks that due to my weight I have no friends and that nobody wants to be my friend and that any normal man would run away from an obese woman. My grandma lives one hour north of me and I went to her house a couple days ago and was reading some emails between her and my mother and I couldn't believe some of the stuff my mom was saying about me. Even when I was at a normal weight, she would call me fat and constantly make comments about my food choices, but recently it's come to my attention that my mom is a terrible person. I know she wants the best for me and granted I'm not trying to lose weight as much as I should, but it really hurts when your mom is the one saying hurtful comments about you. She called me Miss Piggy and basically says I'm a lost cause. There's so many other things I can't even think of that she's said about me regarding my weight and I thought it was honestly normal because it's been happening my whole life. In fact, my earliest memory is literally my grandma telling me at 4-years-old that I was eating way too much. Anyways, I was telling my friends about this and they all said I should just cut my mom off, but she's my mom. My issue is that I don't know how to tell her how hurtful her comments are and that she is the one that makes me run to food due to her degrading comments.

submitted by /u/pubsub1234
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