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Weight Loss for Everyone: Nursing school work outs

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Nursing school work outs

I am in an accelerated nursing program, which is just a nursing program sped up so we are constantly busy. I am up late, and when I have clinical I am up at 3:30 in the morning and then go do 12 hr shifts. I dropped down from full time to part time at my job as an EMT while in school. I work the night shift 8pm-8am when I do pick up shifts. My sleep schedule is completely screwed to say the least and this is affecting my working out. When I work 12hr shifts I don’t feel like working out and then the day after I am so tired from being up all night I don’t feel like working out then either. I live in a small town so we don’t have any gyms or anything like that and with COVID I wouldn’t be able to go anyway. My diet is terrible right now. Any advice on creating and a regimen that is easy to stick to on a screwed up schedule like mine? Any advice on diet and snacks that are easy and satisfying when I am working all night? Any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Laredo_10
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