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Weight Loss for Everyone: Don’t say “man, I wasted this year” twice in a row

Monday, December 28, 2020

Don’t say “man, I wasted this year” twice in a row

As the year closes, I’ve seen so many Instagram pictures, Facebook posts, TikToks, Reddit updates and more of people who absolutely CRUSHED this year. (And I’m SO happy for those people!!!) But, in each and every comments section, I see similar comments from people lamenting that they aren’t sharing their success story this December. A specific comment I’ve seen is “I have wasted this year”.

This year was bananas. For some people, it pushed them to routine. To focus on their health. To make amazing and sustainable changes. To succeed in reaching their goals and they sit here in December basking in their success. And that’s AMAZING.

But for other people (ahem ME), this year was a dumpster fire. Working from home destroyed my routine, the never-ending feeling of the pandemic triggered mental health issues I didn’t know I had, ordering food from local businesses felt like a life saving action and it because continuously justifiable and overall, bettering myself during a year that felt like an absolute trash can felt useless.

I look at success stories and think, ugh! If I had just started back in March, where would I be now? But guess what! That thought helps NOTHING. I want to work to make sure I don’t say the same thing at the end of 2021.

You didn’t waste the year. You survived. You got through what was a truly insane, ~unprecedented~ year, and if you came out weighing the same (or more — ahem, ME AGAIN) that is MORE THAN OKAY. You didn’t waste the year because your success does not require a timeline.

For me, my timeline starts anew. I didn’t fail, I delayed my success. I just want to make sure I arrive at that success, and look back a year from now and feel like I made the most of my year.

Here’s to 2021! Go easy on yourselves. <3

submitted by /u/lilspaghettigrandma
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