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Weight Loss for Everyone: Need help with healthy snacking alternatives.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Need help with healthy snacking alternatives.

I used to eat a lot of junk food. Icecream every night, multiple cupcakes, etc. At the start of quarantine I slowed down but recently ive gotten back on the habit again. Not as bad as before but I'm around 3 pounds away from my new years goal and I just started excerising again.

I used to be able to go days without snacking but now its a everyday thing. I love chips and muffins. I was wondering if air popped popcorn was a good alternative to chips as a snack to hold me until I sleep(not much maybe a cup or half of a cup depending on my dinner). I went off track and now it's hard to get back on and it would be ashame I did not hit my new years goal being so close.

submitted by /u/ItsPandaz
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