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Weight Loss for Everyone: Hello I’m new here & would like some advice or help.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Hello I’m new here & would like some advice or help.

So I’ve decided that I want to lose weight & I’m serious about this commitment.

I am a male. 5’9 , 277.8 lbs.

I don’t work out , but I do get my fair share of walking, probably a mile or so a day.

Anyway I’ve looked up things online & decided to do a 16/8 fast & meal prep. I only want to eat 1,500 calories a day for this.

I have a good idea of what I want to eat for my prep, I’m just not sure how many calories the meal would have. The meal in mind is a basic meal prep which consist of Chicken breast, brown rice, and broccoli; this is for dinner. For a brunch I’d thought about making scrambled eggs (3) & cucumber on the side.

Does this seem like in a range of 1,500 calories?

submitted by /u/OrdinaryDoctor
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