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Weight Loss for Everyone: Has anyone successfully lost weight with binge eating disorder?

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Has anyone successfully lost weight with binge eating disorder?

I'm talking about the actual disorder and not just one off binges.

Basically, I have binge eating disorder and am waiting for help with it. My mental health care coordinator will have to refer me back to the eating disorder clinic once I've completed my OCD, depression and anxiety therapies; the clinic isn't willing to help me before these therapies.

In the mean while, the head man of the eating disorder clinic gave me some self-help information on how to stop bingeing (it's also about bulimia, binge eating disorder and bulimia are very similar, but different in the sense that bulimic people purge and people with BED don't).

I really badly want to lose some weight before Christmas. I'm that overweight that I could lose a stone within a week and a half if I stick to a strict diet... but then come the binges and I lose all control.

I've done really well these last few days, I haven't spend any money on takeout food and have been eating low calorie meals and not doing a lot of bingeing. I brought a salad from subway on Wednesday, but it's not as bad as a burger! So that's an achievement.

I just really want to lose weight.

Any tips?

submitted by /u/PaintBrush1999
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