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Weight Loss for Everyone: One Year and 42kgs/90lbs later. My Journey. Things I learnt. Mistakes I made.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

One Year and 42kgs/90lbs later. My Journey. Things I learnt. Mistakes I made.

One year ago today, I began my weight loss journey (Again). I was a hefty 120kg (Approx.. 264lbs). When you’re that heavy or heavier, you'd know that everyday is a struggle. Hell breathing is hard... But I decided I had enough. Of all the years I could have decided to do it this year had to be it (COVID, University, Essential employment). Originally my goal weight was 80kgs. Today I weighed in at 78kg at 14.5% body fat (That’s about a 42kgs/90lbs loss). A size 42 to 32 in pant! XXXL to Small/Medium.

Sadly, I didn't really take a proper before photo. I was just that ashamed. I had also tried so many times to lose the weight, I honestly didn't think this time it'd stick. However, I do have some photos of big me. I'll put a before and after link thing of me somewhere. (Or right here)

During my weight loss, I tried so many damn diets. CICO worked for me for about 2 months before I began to plateau. It wasn't to hard to start of with apart from cutting a lot of sugars out (fun fact, sugar addiction is very real and withdrawing from it sucks big time). If it works for you stick with it, if not shake it up a little. But do your research.

Keto was effective but...certain bodily functions DID NOT enjoy it. Again, your experience may vary, as long as you’re getting your vitamins and minerals from the food and are not feeling any ill effects. Again research.

Fasting, I consider my biggest mistake, during a fast I found it very easy to under eat. DO NOT UNDER EAT. Your body will hate you for it and will consume your muscles for energy, which in turn will affect your metabolism. However, there are studies into positive effects from fasting. Do your research.

Lastly, the final and most effective diet for me was simply, Increase Protein Intake. I felt fuller for longer after meals thus I naturally ate less calories due to that feeling. Additionally, it helped promote muscle retention/growth.

I'm not going to make any recommendations with diets, we are all different, this is just my experience.

However, things I DO recommended:

  • Take progress pictures
  • Get a body scan (the first results may be scary but when you get to that goal. You'll be impressed)
  • Brag. What you are doing is great, its hard. Not a lot of people try to lose weight and based on facts even less succeed. Brag about your progress. (Hell even if its just on reddit!).
  • RESEARCH. RESEARCH. RESEARCH. I'm not talking about YouTube videos or health websites. I'm talking Peer Reviewed Journal Articles. Yes, they are boring, but the science is all there. I will throw a list of my favourite articles at the bottom of this.
  • Find a gym pal!
  • Set small achievable goals i.e. Jog an extra 200m after a month. Usually, you'll exceed those smaller goals! It will feel great!
  • If your gonna cheat, cheat meals not cheat days. A particularly bad cheat day can potentially ruin a week of progress. Speaking from experience.

Things I DO NOT recommended:

  • Don't under eat. Obvious reason is obvious.
  • Don't weigh yourself everyday.
  • Don't let others get you down.
  • Don't over do it on the exercise. If your body is screaming stop. Best listen to it.

Somethings that aren’t really talked about:

  • Buying new clothes is great but after owning literally every size from XXXL to S, kind of sucks (AND COST SO DAMN MUCH). During your heavy weight loss times maybe shopping at thrift shops could cut costs.
  • People at the gym aren’t really paying attention to you. That guy lifting weights in the corner. He is looking at himself in the mirror. Trust me. (Because he is me).

In closing. This past year has been so damn hard. I wanted to give up so bad. I can't tell you how I kept going because I honestly don't know. But now its time to make some new goals, a lean bulk is my next big goal. So, maybe you'll see me around r/loseit in the future. This is a great community and its helped a lot (I've been a lurker for a while). Good luck everyone currently losing weight, Its a tough time do it but I believe in you!

Journal Articles:

submitted by /u/ninjagoldfishgc
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