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Weight Loss for Everyone: Finally made it to oneerland, in 2009 I remember being 220s... don't remember last time I was ever under 200.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Finally made it to oneerland, in 2009 I remember being 220s... don't remember last time I was ever under 200.

Diet: Started 2000/day now at 1500/day, I break my fast with oatmeal ( 60g oats, chia seeds 30g, honey 20g, some cinnamon while looking oats, 300ml almond milk sugar free, 100g raspberries. I like to change my second fruit with what I feel like eating that day... could be one banana chopped up, or 100g strawberries, or one apple through a cheese grater skinless (120g-160g). Recently I been adding one serving of activia yogurt (175g) for healthy stomach.

It ends up being around 600s calories no yogurt, 700s with yogurt.

then I air dry cook protein source such as beef striploins, pork, chicken breasts, salmon, tilapia, etc while that is cooking I make a plate and chopped up 85g lettuce, one avocado (can vary from 80g-150g), and 15ml cesar sauce, sometimes I add 15g cheese if I feel like it or not.

usually I have some calories left over, if it's a workout day I add my one serving (33g) of protein powder to the list and drink it. I also eat walnuts / almonds / biscuits with some coffee to finish my meal if calories allows it. (which happens fairly regularly)

Fast: Started 16:8 and gradually moved up to 22:2. Sometimes I do OMAD, sometimes I do 20:4 but I mainly sit at 22:2.

Liquids: Every morning I fill up a gallon water bottle I got off amazon and drink throughout the day. Don't drink as fast as possible, just keep body hydrated throughout the day... goal is NOT to pee 10-20 minutes after drinking water.

Exercises: Daily walks, 10-15 minutes dog walks, then 30 minutes, then an hour... Now I go to trails with the dog speed walking and get 7.5 km done in 80~90 minutes. I don't run because I feel pain in my left big toe.

Workouts: I started working out only in the last 4ish months. I do not go to the gym, all of my workouts are done at home in a corner using 2x3 rubber floor mat. I use 2 dumbbells (5~25lb) and body-weight workouts.

day 1 (Monday) back/chest/core

day 2 (Wednesday) legs/core (core if not sore)

day 3 (Friday) shoulders/arms/ core (again core if not sore)

If for whatever reason I am not 'feeling' it after the workout day, I do workout again in that day to make sure my muscles are completely done... I like that feeling of 'oh yeah I can't do anymore of this crap' anymore.

Oh, and just go through it one day at a time. Think it was like your first day you started losing weight. If you can't fast, it's okay you will get back to it later. Don't regret foods you eat, if you gonna eat a burger or slices of pizza do it... you can always work around it. Enjoy life :)

I am hoping for next update before new years at 190/189.

this is how a typical meal might look like (sometimes I have avocados sometimes I don't!)

I try to get high 100s of protein on workout days with protein powder etc.

submitted by /u/maximilious
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