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Weight Loss for Everyone: 8 Top Healthy & Fast Weight Loss Tips

Saturday, November 16, 2019

8 Top Healthy & Fast Weight Loss Tips

Easy, healthy and fast weight loss Tips We all want to lose weight fast. But yes, we all also know that diets are unhealthy (and usually filthy and unpleasant). But we still want to lose those few kilos, lose weight just as quickly before the summer. Those Christmas chocolates,those Easter eggs, that kebab on an off day. Unwanted fat on your stomach, buttocks or hips and you want it gone. So how do you shake off that winter bacon without straining your body? Below you will find eight natural tips that will help you shake off a few kilos quickly and healthily! 1. Get rid of refined sugar! I know you don't want to hear it. You've known it for a long time, but because you love to keep eating sugar, you'd rather look for other solutions. Such as magic workouts, pills and powders where you can 'eat what you want'. You want to lose weight quickly and eat cake at the same time. But yes, sugar is just junk. It is poison. It is not good for your body and it makes you fat (and lifeless) and it certainly does not help you lose weight quickly. Refined sugar has been stripped of the fats and fibers that normally ensure that the energy is released.If you eat a sugar beet you are immediately full (because of the fibers). If you eat the refined product from a sugar beet (granulated sugar) then you can continue eating endlessly. So, get rid of the sugar. Stop it if you want to lose a few pounds quickly. Avoid all foods that contain sugar: Cookies and cookies Cupcakes, pies and other baking Chocolate (OK, 70% + chocolate is fine) Sugar in tea or coffee Sugar-rich spreads for bread Soft drinks, juices and chocolate milk Caramel drinks that have nothing to do with coffee (and everything with sugar) Alcohol (is seen by your body as pure sugar) Etc. Break with your sugar addiction. That is difficult in the beginning, but as soon as you get used to it you will notice that you become a lot more energetic and that the fat slips off your body. Have you shed your winter kilos? Then stay aware of your sugar intake. Do you find it impossible to get rid of your sugar addiction? This course helps you move forward ... 2. Avoid other fast carbohydrates You don't lose weight fast with fast carbohydrates, that's for sure. Fast carbohydrates are carbohydrates that are processed so quickly that your body treats them like sugar. Even if they are not sweet. This again concerns products that are highly processed. Think of white flour and all products made from it: All the bread that is not whole grain Pasta Cake, pie and cake White bread and baguette (The enemy: fat belly, congestion, hemorrhoids - the works) Etc. Choose whole-grain products as much as possible, and generally eat smaller portions of carbohydrates. Eat a portion of fat and / or protein at the same time to ensure that the carbohydrates are absorbed into your body more slowly. In this way you prevent your blood sugar level from rising quickly and your body converts the sugar into body fat. Base your diet mainly on vegetables, fresh fruit (in its entirety or in the blender), nuts, legumes, seeds, fish, meat, tofu, meat substitutes etc. Delicious of course, and delicious without sugar and flour. 3. Eat without salt Have you ever kept a bag of salt in a shed? I do. After a few weeks the sack of salt in the damp shed became a lot heavier. Salt absorbs moisture. Even moisture from the air. If you eat a lot of salt, you will automatically retain a lot of moisture. When people start eating healthy , they quickly lose weight in the beginning. The first 5 kilos that you lose consist of around 2-3 kilos of fluid. Because you start eating purer (less salty snacks, less ready-to-eat itch) you get less salt. This way you will retain less moisture and therefore lose weight quickly. Yes, that's just moisture. But make no mistake. You'd rather lose those few pounds of fluid than rich. You don't burn fat with it, but it is perhaps the quickest way to fit in that nice summer outfit again. In addition, your organs are happy with less salt anyway. How do you eat less salt? Make your own food. Avoid ready-made products. Cook with a little salt. If you add salt, do so at the start of the cooking process, you will need less. The later you add salt, the more you need. Use healthy spices to give your food more flavor, such as turmeric, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon etc. Get your tongue used to eating with less salt. If you have eaten a lot of salty snacks then you will have to get used to food without salt and flavor enhancers. But, come on, there are worse things in life. If you use salt, do not opt ​​for the refined variant (table salt). Just like white sugar, this is bad for your body. Choose coarse sea salt. This contains more minerals, and is therefore recognizable and nutritious for your body. Eating and cooking less salt (or salt-free) is a good habit that will serve you for the rest of your life. Eat less salt, and you will lose weight quickly with little effort. 4. Stop stress Stress sticks bacon to your thighs. If you are stressed, stress hormones whine through your bloodstream, which tend to stimulate fat storage. Fast weight loss therefore not only has to do with food and exercise, but also with your emotional state. The better you feel, the easier it will be to lose weight. So tackle your stress. Work out, meditate , work on your problems. 5. Choose live food Do you want to lose weight fast? Then base your eating pattern primarily on living food. No, don't immediately run to a Chinese store to stock all kinds of flapping fish. Living food, as in plants. Eat plants. Every day, several times a day. Food that grows on a tree, a plant, on a bush or in the ground. Plants are very healthy and we don't eat them enough. The more you base your diet on plants, the easier it is to lose weight. Eat salads, make smoothies, use fresh vegetables in your evening meals. Snack with vegetables, breakfast with some vegetables and fruit, lunch and dinner with vegetables. Lose weight with plants. Plants are full of nutrients and many of them are probably not even known. So get started with those broccoli. 6. Eat more protein Exactly: Less sugars and other fast carbohydrates and more proteins (or protein). Add more protein to your meals and snacks to lose weight faster. You can do this by opting more often for cottage cheese, eggs, canned tuna, tofu, chickpeas, poultry, meat, fish etc. Protein prevents your blood sugar levels from rising rapidly. In addition, protein is an important building material for your muscles. It helps you recover faster after exercise and get more results from your workout. Furthermore, it gives you a feeling of satiety, you stay full longer. For example, by having breakfast with some protein instead of just carbohydrates, you start the day well. You will be considerably less hungry and therefore easier to stay away from! 7. Move more Simple enough. To work. Work out and exercise. At least a few times a week. Every calorie that you burn is not stored as fat. By exercising more often you lose weight a lot easier, especially if you only want to lose a few pounds. In addition, exercise gives you a wonderful feeling. Certainly, if you have built up a little fitness. So take action! Exercise is nice, healthy, good for your figure and also very nice with this nice weather. 8. Avoid the saving mode Don't eat too little. If you eat less and also exercise a lot, it is easy to simply not get enough energy. If your body receives too little energy on a structural basis (a few weeks in a row), it will switch to a kind of energy-saving mode. Your body will be incredibly efficient with every calorie that comes in. After all, there is a famine! Avoid the savings mode by listening to your body. Don't eat too little. Eat the right things. You can eat as much of vegetables as you can without arriving. Do you want to be sure that your body does not go into economy mode? Then (when you are strict on lines) hold a feeding day once a week, on which you eat as much as you want. This way you can fool your body a little and you can continue to lose weight.

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