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Weight Loss for Everyone: When did you start noticing your progress on your body?

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

When did you start noticing your progress on your body?

Context: I've recently started CICO again for the first time in several years after moving into my own apartment. Last time I did it, I was weighing myself weekly, and I could see the progress as I went. Problem is that now, I don't own a scale. While I probably could have just bought one, I thought I'd experiment with not checking in all the time and waiting it out until Christmas because my parents are getting me a bunch of random household things this year, a scale included.

So, the problem now is that I'm starting to get really scared nothing is happening. I'm within 50-100 calories of my goal pretty much every day (I weigh everything meticulously), and it's been close to three months of daily tracking on MyFitnessPal with the setting at "lose one pound a week." I know my intake is way down from the previous several months, and I'm at least 50 pounds heavier than last time I did CICO, so in theory, I should be losing weight.

I don't see anything happening, though. I look and feel the same, my clothes fit the same, and the only real progress I've noticed is that it's way easier to stick to my calorie goals. I'm just so worried that I'm not actually losing weight, and I honestly don't know how my mental health would survive that hit if the past few months were all for nothing.

So, really, my question is: when did you start to notice your weight loss? Was it weeks? Months? I'm just feeling so discouraged right now.

submitted by /u/beckdawg19
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