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Weight Loss for Everyone: I’ve finished my weight loss journey!!

Friday, April 2, 2021

I’ve finished my weight loss journey!!

Hi!! I wasn’t going to post about this, but I figured I deserve to celebrate this victory of mine. I’m currently 19F, 5’5”, 122-123lbs. I started my weight loss journey back in September, where I was 138lbs. So yes, I’ve lost 16lbs total! I know that isn’t a lot, and I could’ve done it faster. However, I think doing it at a slow place allowed me to learn more about the process and my body. I honestly had a goal of 115lbs to get myself to a clean slate to build muscle, but plans changed and I’m satisfied with where I am right now. Only about 8 hours ago did I decide that I was done trying to lose weight.

Today, I looked at myself in the mirror and fully assessed my body. Well, my calves are now basically the same size as my thighs. My calves are big and muscular. I used to be an athlete, and I do a good amount of stairs and walking now that I’m in college. I’m also starting a job soon where I’ll be on my feet lifting stuff and walking around for 4+ hours. Yeah I realized my calves aren’t going to get any smaller. They’re pretty solid. So, I realized that there’s really no point in cutting weight anymore unless I want to be unhappy with myself. Therefore, my journey I believe is done. I have no idea what I’m going to do next.

For now I’m going to increase my 1400-1600 daily intake to 1700-1800. I did that for a month not too long ago, and I maintained my weight pretty well. However, I believe during that time I was replacing a lot of fat with muscle. I took progress pictures during the time where I was eating more, and you can see a clear difference in how I look. The scale never budged, but I noticed things like my abs looked more defined, my thighs have less fat on them, my arms look more toned. Therefore, I have a feeling my TDEE is probably more. I really don’t know though.

I want to start potentially maingaining because I’m a newbie to weights and stuff. I have been doing at home cardio videos 2x a week and resistance training 3x a week since the beginning. However, I know it’s nothing like the gym and that I should be able to gain some muscle without having to really bulk. Not too sure how to do that though because I figured I’d have more time in my deficit to start planning and researching lol. For now, I think I’ll just stick to my regular routine of resistance training 3x a week and cardio 2x. I did do cardio 3x a week and resistance training 2x a week for like 3 weeks, but I want to focus more on weights now.

Working out has helped me so much mentally. It makes me feel so productive and good about myself. Something about just looking at myself in the mirror and seeing abs on myself makes me feel so damn proud. I never thought I could do this or get here. I never thought I could look like this!! I had always been a decently slim and healthy person, but I was kind of squishy. I looked fine with clothes on, but I always looked a bit squishy with them off. Then, quarantine led to some bad habits and weight gain. I never was overweight, but I got unhappy with my habits. Therefore, I decided to stop the bad habits before they got worse. Also, my posture is SOOO much better now wow. It’s not the best still, but I no longer look super hunched over and have as much tension in my back/shoulders. I’m also so much happier with my eating habits. I’ve still allowed myself to enjoy eating the foods I enjoy. I do have a few fear foods now that I’m gonna work on overcoming in the future, but overall I love what I eat. I love cooking for myself. I love making food. By eating better and making my own food I’ve helped my stomach issues so much. I feel so great most of the time now. I did notice some hair loss and that I’m cold a lot more often now. I’m gonna work on getting more fat into my diet to stop the hair loss, and hopefully that will help! One more thing that has been a change is my clothes. A lot of them just fit much better now than they did before, which makes me super happy. Some of them are kind of big on me, but they still fit okay. I feel like I can finally wear a bikini or crop top without feeling uncomfortable. That makes me so happy, and I’m so excited for the summer now.

Anyways, I have no idea what’s next in store for me. I really have no idea what to do next, but increasing calories a bit will be a start. This platform has helped me so much, and I’m so glad I found it. If anyone read this, then thanks for listening!! I just wanted to say how proud I am of myself and share some of my journey. If anyone would like advice or has any questions I’d be more than happy to help!!

Edit: If anyone wants to see how I look now here’s some pictures from recently! Also, yes I know my calves don’t look too big here, but you can notice it mainly from the front.

submitted by /u/ConfusedJuicebox
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