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Weight Loss for Everyone: Finally broke 180!! Lowest weight in years and feeling very inspired!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Finally broke 180!! Lowest weight in years and feeling very inspired!

Stats: [ 21FtM 5'4" | SW 191 | CW | 179 | GW 140 ]

Hi Reddit, I've been lurking around this sub for a while but I've never posted before.

I hit my highest weight in October of 2020 and when I was weighed at the doctor's office I couldn't believe how out-of-control I had gotten. Like many here, my relationship with food has always been questionable and I've been overweight ever since being a little kid. It got worse when I moved out and started college and I've not been able to get below this stupid number all 4 times I've tried to diet since freshman year.

As far as body composition goes, I started HRT last August (8 months yesterday) and I've watched what seems like EVERY FAT CELL IN MY BODY migrate directly into my stomach. I went from a "curvy hourglass" figure straight to Mike Wazowski. My pant size ballooned 4 figures and I was desperately trying to figure out what was going wrong.

As it turns out, many people in the same boat experience drastically different things. For me, this was a lot of unwanted weight gain and a distressing change in figure. March 17th rolled around this year with 188 on the scale and I decided enough was enough- time to take back the reigns.

I started with the basics: CICO. Gave myself a "500cal deficit" (would come to find out I fudged the math) with no food restrictions except dropping soda completely. Went to the gym 3 times a week, weight training and cardio. Started drinking water for the first time in my life. Bought a smart watch and a food scale to help keep track of it all.

6 weeks later, here's how it's going: Still on CICO. Recalculated using Female statistics which made me realize I was only really at a 100cal defecit, scaled that down a ways more. Had a significant surgery so was benched from the gym, but I never really "eat back" my workout calories so no change there. The water has become so much easier to drink when I'm not reaching for soda all the time, caffeine headaches are gone. The watch and the food scale are my best friends and I religiously log it all.

I find my weight trend seems to be 4 days barely creeping down, new slightly lower weight, big 3-4lbs jump up, 4 more creeping down days, new low weight, jump, on and on etc. It was pretty discouraging until I realized the pattern but I personally find a daily weigh-in to make me feel more in control and informed. Started doing circumference measurements this week and I'll track any big changes to body size.

It took 3 months to shed this first 10 and break 180 and it was hard to stick with it sometimes, but it was absolutely worth it to see the 170s for the first time in years and I want to keep seeing new milestones. Maybe this post can be the beginning of a new chapter of accountability... no turning back now. On the hardest days I turn to this sub to help me keep going because your stories make me want to fight harder for myself, my health, and my happiness. I don't know if anyone will make it this far reading but if you see this know that you showed up for me so I'm showing up for you. Keep going, we can do this!

submitted by /u/ghost-noodle
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