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Weight Loss for Everyone: Gained 5 pounds of fat in a week. Yes, really. This needs to stop now.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Gained 5 pounds of fat in a week. Yes, really. This needs to stop now.

I (20F, 5'7") went from around 170 to 130 lbs in 2020 after multiple years of trying and failing to lose the weight, mostly because of a struggle with what I'm now pretty sure is binge eating disorder. I reined in my binges, started running, and had never felt healthier. Unfortunately, I lost the last ten pounds or so through heavily, heavily restricted eating, to the point of losing my period and other negative health effects. That was back in November, but since then I've more or less been maintaining successfully in the low 130s, which I think is a good weight for me.

Over the last week, though, I swear my body and mind have been taking revenge on me. I've been binging like I never have before, basically spending all my free time shoveling food into my mouth. I can be already full to the point of pain AND THEN eat an entire box of cereal or bag of chocolate chips. I don't want the food. It's not fun to eat this much, but I have no control. I sincerely estimate that I've eaten about 5000 calories a day for the past five or six days. I'm afraid to step on the scale - everyone says it's not possible to gain 5 pounds of fat in a week but I've done the math and I legitimately think I have. I'm so ashamed.

The good news is that even if I have gained 5 pounds, I'd still be under 140 pounds, which is 30 less than my starting weight and still comfortably a healthy BMI. I can stop this now. I have to stop this now. I can return to eating normally, getting plenty of exercise, and gradually undo this damage. I never want to feel this way again, but I'm worried that the threat of losing control is always going to be there. This feels like a totally different beast from normal overeating - has anyone else beaten this level of binging? Any tips for holding myself accountable?

submitted by /u/KoniroKage
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