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Weight Loss for Everyone: I stopped counting calories because it was triggering and felt toxic- but I think I need to start again.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

I stopped counting calories because it was triggering and felt toxic- but I think I need to start again.

I did a lot of binge-restricting in college and for a while after. Then I got on board with body neutrality, because counting calories is a lot of work, and I'm not on this earth to look good for other eye balls, I'm here to eat pizza and hike, and THAT's where my joy is. So today I went to buy "real" pants because I have lived in yoga pants for the past couple years.

And holy smoked salmon, I am up three pants sizes.


It bothers me. It matters to me. I've been blindly moving in a direction that makes physical exertion harder, makes rock climbing harder. So I'm going to try again, but cautiously. Clearly, it's difficult to maintain weight without paying attention to it. And eating whatever I want whenever I want- SURPRISE- has not made me any happier.

To tomorrow morning, slowly, mindfully, I'm going to try CICO again. Instead of doing it because women's magazines tell me I need to be thin, I want to do it with the intention of

  1. Taking what I need and not more
  2. Giving myself the building blocks my body needs for all the things that make me happy
submitted by /u/CuminQueen
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