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Weight Loss for Everyone: Day 1 Post

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Day 1 Post

M 5'4" SW: 192 GW: 140

Hello all,

I am creating this thread as a form of accountability and visualization of progress. I hope you all will hold me accountable and continue to support me on this journey.

A little about me:

I am a fat doc. I've been slowly gaining weight over the past few years even during medical school. I'm an emotional and stress eater, but I used to run/walk from time to time so my weight gain was very slow and not drastic in any way. I always told myself once I've graduated, that's when I'll get more focused on my diet. I used to go to the gym regularly too, but I stopped around late 2018.

Que late 2019/early 2020. The pandemic hits and we are working double time double effort double stress. With the stress and lack of time came more unhealthy eating for me. Thankfully the pandemic is being managed better (still not fully clear yet, but progress :p), and I was taken off my COVID duty and put back into regular work. I am moving to another country soon though so I just decided to stop working and take a break for 1-2 months before I move.

For the first time in more than a year, I am at home without worry. I book an appointment with my barber because I am waaaay overdue for a good haircut, and I go. Get a professional trim and get all my facial hair shaved off too (hey, I was pampering myself). Once he was done, I lift my head up and look in the mirror. I don't even recognize my own face. It starts to hit me just how much weight I've gained.

As soon as I'm back home, I take off my shirt and actually look at myself in the mirror again. I can't even believe how my body looks. I have ballooned massively. My abdomen hangs over my belt line. I have stretch marks on my abdomen now. I am utterly disgusted and ashamed with myself. I take out my scale from my closet and weigh myself in a long time. More shame and disgust. I feel like an absolute hypocrite. Here I am, a doctor, advising my patients to be careful and healthy whereas I'm not even following my own advice.

I try on my work suits and jeans and tshirts etc, and nothing fits me properly anymore (or they just don't fit altogether). I've been wearing elastic scrubs for so long I didn't even notice. I'm already low on funds because our pay was cut during COVID, and I need to save as much as I can for the move. I've decided not to buy new clothes and take the easy way out, but instead try to work hard and lose weight during the 1-2months before my move. I know it would be practically impossible to reach my goal weight in that time, but I will take as many pounds as I can lose.

I have to start somewhere and at sometime, so I've decided to start here and now. I will hopefully provide some updates every Saturday or once every 2 weeks. I am planning to start with some home workouts by following YouTube videos, but most importantly to start tracking my calories using an app. If anyone has any suggestions on what body-based workouts would be good for home, or any other tips, I would be forever grateful.

submitted by /u/iamafatdoc
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