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Weight Loss for Everyone: Finally sharing the progress I've made on my weightloss journey and how much I've turned my life around since 2015 (23 Male) (130kg - 97kg) Height: 6'1

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Finally sharing the progress I've made on my weightloss journey and how much I've turned my life around since 2015 (23 Male) (130kg - 97kg) Height: 6'1

So I don't really know how to word this or start this post but I thought it was finally time to share the progress I've made. Been waiting for the right time for a good bit but as time goes on, I realise that when ever I hit a goal weight, internally I tell myself I'll share the progress when I get to the end of my journey but that's the thing, there is no end to a fitness journey, it constantly evolves and there is no final weight you'll be happy with, there will always be something off and something you want to fix about yourself. I've always been the chubby kid, from primary school all the way through to University, I've been obese. My family showed love through food and we never left the table until we had seconds so it's hard for me to leave food on my plate. Wasn't until around 2017 I decided to hunker down and start trying to lose weight since I was never happy with how I looked or how people perceived me when I walk into a room, knowing I was ''the fat guy''. It ate away at me my entire life, I missed all of the Teenager milestones since I would shut myself away and play videogames until the late hours of the morning so I had no social interaction and could barely keep eye contact with girls and never even mustered the courage to ask a girl to Formal so I went alone. Through the years I lost weight, gained weight, lost that same weight again and continued to do so, I used MyfitnessPal to track my calories and would focus purely on cardio and the weight melted off. Wasn't until I saw Infinity War in theatres and I saw Chris Hemsworth on screen that I realised how much I would love to try and achieve a physique like that, as soon as the movie finished I was at the Gym googling "Thor Workout Plans" with no idea what I was doing, but I stuck with it and it eventually paid off. When I started I had no muscle mass under any of my fat besides my calves (Benefit of loosing a whole bunch of weight, you get to keep your tree trunk calves). I could barely bench the bar when bench pressing, everything was heavy, I remember lying to the trainer spotting me that I could at least bench 5kg plates on each side for 12 reps and failing by the 5th rep, it's embarrassing but everyone has to start somewhere. When Covid hit I lost the gym for a solid 3 months and took up running and went on the Keto diet to help fast track my cut which lead to me loosing a bunch of my muscle mass but also let me remove some unwanted fat. Eventually when the gyms came back I bulked a little too hard and got fluffy very quickly since it was the first time I got to ''eat big to get big'' as the gymbros say and started cutting again. Since then I went through a relationship where I let myself gain a few kgs since now all of a sudden I'm eating biscuits and sweets in bed, which I would never do by myself. Sadly the relationship didn't work out which brings things up to current me, in the midst of a cut where I hope I'll finally get to see my abs come through when I try to reach my goal weight of 85kg and get to around 12-15% body fat mark. What I hope people can gain from this is that, nothing is set in stone, you can change and forge your own path. I went from being a shut in chubby teenager to a decently built guy that actually thrives in social situations. I've managed to hit the milestones that I had missed even if it was a few years later and now enjoy things that I never thought I would like fashion, hair, cooking, all while still being the massive nerd I was in Highschool. It's never too late to turn your life around, it takes time and a whole lot of dedication but the personal growth you get from it, will make you a stronger person in the long run and feeling confident in your own skin can change the way you live your life in so many different ways. Sorry if this all sounds so incoherent but writing has never been my one of my strong suites.


Progress over the years and face comparison:

Covid Cut vs First Bulk vs Cut

MyFitnessPal weight progress:

submitted by /u/Liam61961
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