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Weight Loss for Everyone: At my final point with my weight

Friday, April 2, 2021

At my final point with my weight

Hi All,

I’ll just get straight to the point because I’m honestly at the end of the line I’ve been trekking. I’ve been gaining weight since the pandemic. I’m 4”10’ and about 165 pounds. I’m at the point where my ankles are flat. I have so much cellulite in my legs. My boobs lay flat against my stomach.

I’ve gained more than 30 pounds in the pandemic. I hate it and I’m so self conscious. I’m so overweight, and I don’t feel cut in anything. I feel like I’m letting my boyfriend, who loves me so much, down. I hate looking in the mirror.

I just bought a gym membership. But I need help with beginning exercises that will help me lose weight. I have no idea what I’m doing. The last time I tried losing weight, all that happened was my weight remained the same and my muscle mass went way up. If it’s possible I’d like to lose some fat first and then gain some muscle. I need to get to a healthy weight, but I don’t want that weight to be super bulky muscles, if that makes sense. I already have a larger frame for a short female.

Do any of you have any advice for me? I can’t stand being this heavy anymore. It’s affecting my work capacity.... my heels are going numb because I’ve gained so much weight. The stretch marks on my body are insane. My self worth is crazy low in this regard. I just can’t do it anymore.

Do any of you have any recommendations? Especially with exercises that won’t give me too much muscle mass but with help me lose weight in fat (is that even possible).

Any help and advice is appreciated, honestly.

Thanks All.

submitted by /u/Own_Fig_4201
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