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Weight Loss for Everyone: 2020

Thursday, December 31, 2020

I ran my 1st, and 8th half marathon this year!

For most of my life I’ve been chubby, unhappy, and unhealthy in general. Once I started to get into rock climbing a couple years back (junior year high school), I began to lose the weight, and ended up shaving 50lbs off in roughly 6 months. I also began running that year, and while I could only barely finish 1 mile, progress was being made. Up until the beginning of this year, the furthest I’d ever run was 4 miles. I gained a huge amount of confidence and went from a looking like a chubby marshmallow to nearly having a six pack. Then the pandemic hit.

After virtually everything closed, my main drive for health and fitness was no longer available to me. Rock Climbing was what kept me going, but I couldn’t climb anymore. I started running more and more often to fill that gap. Eventually I went from 5 to 7 miles and took off from there. Shortly after this I ran my first half marathon, something I never thought was even thinkable for me. Unfortunately things got worse beyond the pandemic, and I randomly developed a blood vessel disorder called erythromelalgia that causes extreme burning pains on the skin of my feet when exposed to friction, heat, or exercise. I was out of commission for about a week until the condition got a bit better, and resumed running, but it’s never gone away completely.

Over the months prior to the end of this year, I ran another 7 half marathons, and hit a max distance of 16 miles. I never even fathomed being able to push my body to this extent, but the pandemic ended up putting me in a spot where this was all I could focus on. Even with ankle sprains, knee injuries, and this ridiculous blood vessel disorder, somehow I still kept it up. While my eating habits were terrible this year, and it was full of misery in many respects, at least I squeezed out some accomplishments amidst the chaos.

submitted by /u/MisterAvagadro
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Losing due to exercise instead of diet

Hi all, happy new year!

I have been on this sub for a while and I thought I was doing well but I haven't lost any weight. I get into deficit for a while and certainly lose water weight but something will happen and I'll eat or drink too much and so I have maintained but not lost. Some of the times my deficit was unhealthy due to stress and so I noticed that I had lost muscle mass, which was a bit alarming. I'm keen to maintain as much muscle as I can since I'm in my early 30s.

I am a bit disheartened by my lack of weight loss, because of how much effort I have put in. I'm trying to console myself by making smaller changes - drinking less and eating more fruit and veg etc. I have a bit of stress in my mind and that is causing some difficulty too, but I always seem to.have stress in my life.

In order to keep my stress levels in check and maintain muscle I have started some resistance training. I quite enjoy it. I know that you can't out run a bad diet and that ultimately my calories in are still too high.

I did realise this morning though that in the past I have lost weight through exercise. I lived in two cities that were flatter and I walked and cycled way more and lost quite a few kilos.

Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else? That it was the exercise rather than diet changes that pushed the needle in terms of helping the weight loss kick off?

I do eat relatively healthily so I'm trying not to get disheartened.

submitted by /u/bitchtosociallyrich
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Free Talk Friday for 01 January 2021 - Come Talk About Anything!

Happy Friday everyone! Free Talk Friday is a free discussion post. Come talk about anything you want, whether it’s health/fitness related or not.

So tell us, what’s on your mind today? Any fun plans for the weekend?

(Credit to u/HermionesBook for running these in the past.)

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Potato on sticks

39F, type 2 diabetes, long acting insulin. SW 245 cw 212.

I've lost about 30 pounds in the last year or so. I feel really good. I'd like to lose another 15 to 30, depending on what's needed for maintenance, but losing more is on hold right now. Work became really complicated right around Thanksgiving, for Covid-19 reasons, I'm working extra hours, and the gym is closed. It just makes more sense for me right now to mostly be practicing maintenance at least for the next couple weeks.

Anyway, I've dropped several clothing sizes, and while I've lost weight all over I've lost the most in my legs and arms. I am still very thick in the middle. The weight there isn't going away as fast as everywhere else. I carry enough weight around my waist that people routinely think I'm pregnant. It was happening before I lost the weight, and it was one of my main motivations to start losing. I was sick of people asking about the damn baby!

I've been counting calories, focusing on veggies and protein and complex carbs. When I was working out more regularly I was swimming laps, walking, doing some yoga-Ish stuff, stretching, core exercises, a little bit of weights. A pretty good variety a few times a week.

I'd love to hear from anyone else who has skinny chopstick legs and a thick potato boy. Have you had any success in becoming less potato-y? What's worked?

submitted by /u/notreallylucy
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Tips to Start?

So I'm fatter than I'd like, and than should really be healthy. But... I'm not sure where to start.
I have a bike, and a trainer, so I could ride it inside but it's loud, for one, and for another dayum that's a lot of work for me at the moment. (Walking is fine, cycling is a different ballgame, lol). I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to go about actually making it that I CAN cycle for a good length of time? An effective length of time, I mean.

I haven't recently, but I feel like I've put on 20+ pounds in the past few months, and I REALLY don't like that. So I know I gotta step up to the plate and lose all this excess weight.

I'm not talking diet for the moment, as I really can't. I just don't have the money to buy healthier food and stuff, and I do what I can. (As in, I don't gorge myself, or anything of that sort. I try to eat reasonably, just not as many fruits and veg as I really should have and I know it.

I'm speaking more activity stuffs.
Like... any suggestions for how to build up stamina to be able to be on my bike for an effective length of time? Meaning longer than like 5 mins or some shit.

Even if it's a case of 'just be on it more' any suggestions on how to go about that? I don't want to strain pull anything to set me back.

Thanks for any advice~<3

submitted by /u/Art-By-Amber-Lynne
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[Directory] Find your quests here! -

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

Need some questing buddies?

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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New Years Gift to LoseIt: A spreadsheet that adapts to you.


I have used this spreadsheet to lose my weight initially, and have continued to update and improve on it over the years. I have used it to accurately estimate my TDEE and have learned a lot from using it. First, I have found that CICO is an extremely accurate representation of what is going on with me weight-wise. I used to have some doubts, what with plateaus, binges and my own estimations at what weight I should be at. I have learned that for me plateaus happen after long runs of losing weight faster than calculated and whooshes happen after long plateaus, just as the spreadsheet predicted. For me, the reason why I was losing weight slower the closer I got to goal was that I was not being as strict with my diet and exercise. And that my binges were not as bad as I believed they were -- usually.

On to the how-to:

Use the Calcs tab to calculate your BMI and TDEE at any age, height and weight. Fill in the DOB, weight and height numbers (in red font) in the correct section for your sex and metric/imperial preferences.

Use one of the next four tabs to start logging your daily calorie intake and exercise expenditure. Fill in the variables in red font. These include today's date, today's weight, calories and exercise numbers. Also, type in your date of birth and height. I have put in an activity multiplier to start you off with, but you can change this as you log so as to more closely predict your weight loss journey. I call this number the "slop" because it reflects your activity level, whether your weight loss app under or overestimates your food and exercise calories, whether you have a tendency to forget some calories or over or underestimate calories you cannot count, etc. This number will also be influenced by your percentage of muscle, how many calories you are using to cool off or heat up, etc, etc, etc.

For most of my weight loss journey the "projected weight" will be a couple of pounds higher than what the scale weight says. I attribute this to the initial water loss from loss of muscle glycogen, among other things. My weight would bounce up to this projected weight if I ate near my TDEE but went down again once I was back on the wagon.

Finally, the last tab is the Goals tab. This is optional and for you to fill out if you want to have daily goals. It doesn't even have to be weight related. Just something that you want to do consistently and incorporate into your life. Something that you want to get better at, and something that you will make you feel better about yourself. I believe in starting out slowly, so that even even a 1-5 minute effort will let you put a 1 in that day's checkbox. Fill in the first day's date (red font) on the day you want to start.

submitted by /u/Techie9
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Some really simple food recipes requested!

I'm an adult man. I can't cook beyond the basics of boiling and pan-frying.

I've never had the motivation to lose weight until now, as I realised I've hit the 130kg (286lb) marker.

So far, I've gotten along in my adult life by eating mostly take-out fastfood; sometimes healthier, but mostly the cheaper, very unhealthy stuff.

I've been trying to learn basics of cooking healthy stuff for a few days now, like frying (if that is the correct term) spinach, but mostly I've just thrown some frozen peas into a pot and eating them as the only healthy form of nutrition.

I know I'll learn the basics eventually - but as of now, and the reason for this post - I've yet to find a simple recipe that doesn't overwhelm me.

I know it isn't supposed to be this hard, but sometimes the first steps are a bit hard, I guess.

Just some really simple recipes please? Some of your favourites? What did ya start your diet with?

submitted by /u/Truthfully_Here
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Please help me

Im 280lbs and everyone in my family is overweight, im obese, we eat shit , ive been asking my family if i can just eat vegetables and chicken but nope frozen ready meals, or home made fried stuff only, im unemployed and suffer from multiple illnesses physical and mental. I cant stand being in the same room as raw meat and im not evenallowed to exercise , just bullshit excuses like its too noisy or your clothes stink, ive been trying eat smaller amounts of said trash and lose around 15 lbs and put it straight back on . When i eat less i feel like shit, dizzy, headaches , and because its my only comfort, depressed. Is there any hope for me or do i just give up? I dont know what to do it seems impossible to lose weight in this household fucking feel like killing myself

submitted by /u/theend6661
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24-Hour Pledge - Friday, 01 January 2021 - The Plan for Today!

Wake up with determination; go to bed with satisfaction!

This is our daily check-in, to help keep us accountable over the long haul. Feel free to post whatever goals will help keep you on track.

Here's the regular text on behalf of this thread's originator, kingoftheeyesores, taken with his blessing

> I'll be posting a daily, 24 hour pledge to stick to my plan, or whichever small piece of my plan I am currently working on. Whatever your dietary goals may be, I hope you stick to them for the next 24 hours (and then worry about the following 24!). Who's with me?

Thanks to /u/nofollowthrough who made the 24-Hour Pledge an ongoing /r/loseit institution.

Due to space limitations, this may be a sticky only occasionally. Please find it daily using the sidebar or top message.

On reddit, your vote means, "I found this interesting" ( more about voting on reddit)

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Slow and steady: 2lbs per month

There are so many people on here that lose weight so fast it sometimes makes me feel like I'm not working hard enough. But I've been consistently losing 2 lbs a month which means I'm 24 lbs lighter than I was last year! At this rate it will take me a couple more years to get to my goal weight but I'm ok with that because I don't feel like I'm dieting. I don't feel deprived or hungry. I eat 1800-2200 calories daily. I'm satisfied and confident that I can keep this up for the rest of my life. I'm getting stronger and fitter everyday too. So here's to another year of weight loss. Happy new year everyone!

submitted by /u/twandar
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SV: I lost 10 pounds in 2020 and I'm so proud

I lost 60 pounds in 2019 and it was honestly one of my greatest achievements in life. I wanted to lose the last 40 in 2020 and was on track to do so until mid-January.

Then I went on vacation and came back and got really sick (just a bad cold, Not Covid) - had my fun guilt-free vacation food and then a ton of comfort food while I was sick. So by mid-February I had gained back 10 pounds - no problem, mostly water weight - got back on track and lost those 10 by early March. Was back on track and feeling so good about tackling the last 40.

Then COVID hit and my routine fell apart. Routine had been the key to my weight loss the prior year so without that it was a big struggle. The first two weeks I found myself turning back to comfort food and could have very easily slipped back into my old ways and gained it all back. Instead, for the next six months I had a lot of bad days but always pulled myself back - so I ended up fluctuating in a 5 pound range for that 6 months - I'm so glad I was able to maintain for that long, especially in the circumstances. d Then from Sept-November I lost 10 more pounds - the only 10 I lost all year, not the 40 I wanted - and my initial instinct is to be disappointed I'm not closer to my final goal - but instead I am celebrating. Not only did I maintain last year's weight loss I also lost 10 more. The old me could have never done this - food was my entertainment, comfort, companionship for years and I wanted so badly to turn back to that old friend during this crazy year. I wasn't perfect by any means and had a ton of bad days (and sometimes weeks or months) but I made it through and came out AHEAD! I feel like I really found my strength and my relationship with food still needs work but I'm proud of where it is right now.

Only 30 to go now - time to kill it in 2021!

submitted by /u/LiaLily
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How to start and how long it will take?

I’m female, 5’2 and currently at 170lbs. My goal is to get to 120, although it’s been hard because I have an ed in the way. What’s the quickest but appropriate way to lose that 50 pounds? Today I started to stay in a 1000-1200 calorie intake, I don’t exercise at the moment (if I do then it has to be at home equipment free exercises), I’m trying to start drinking more water because usually I drink 1 cup a day. What is the best way for me to go about this, if I do continue what I’m doing how long will it take me to lose the weight? It’s hard for me to continue knowing my weight will take a while to change, but if I continue to attempt fasting then I’ll never stop the binge cycle. So I’m starting here, where my only direction is improving or staying where I’m at.

submitted by /u/Background_Ganache_6
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To anyone who might be joining for a New Years New Start a bit of advice: When you start your weight loss efforts, take pictures or videos of where you started from.

I know it might be painful for you take pictures of yourself at your heaviest. I know this because I've lost nearly 45 pounds, and I have no pictures of myself at my largest size because I avoided cameras very successfully since I was so unhappy with my size. I know I am successful because I am wearing smaller clothes sizes. I don't see any difference when I look in a mirror however.

I truly wish I had taken a "before" pic. Even if you never show anyone else photos of yourself before you start losing, you might be very glad you took them anyways.

Happy New Years and great success to all of us in 2021!

submitted by /u/Annie_Benlen
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Weight loss support from family

This is my first time posting on this sub, hey all!

I had lost very significant weight (50 lbs) 2 years back but unfortunately put most of it back this year. I am currently weighing 217 lbs with my goal to get down to 197 lb in 12 weeks.

Not to use it as an excuse, but COVID really disrupted by workout regimen at the gym. I know some other folks maintained their weight better during quarantine, and I could have done better, but I feel 2020 was a life-changing year for me where my weight ended up not being my focus.

As I reflect on the year end, I am determined to lose weight again and have entered back into exercise and healthy eating habits.

My parents are very disappointed (and angry) in me that I have let them down. They are genuinely concerned about my health and all the overweight related diseases (diabetes, blood pressure). I am in my 20s. Their tone of voice on the phone has changed since they learnt i gained weight. I understand their anger and disappointment is coming from a place of deep love. In the past, they had several times tried to motivate me to lose weight and I have a track record of failing countless times until 2 years ago when I was successful..only to fail again and put on the weight. So they think I am repeating process all over again.

Are my parents justified in being angry and disappointed at me?

New year spirits have been low considering all this, but I just wanted to hear from other folks who experienced anything similar to me. Sometimes outside perspective is really welcome to gain perspective!

I really look forward to hearing from you all!

submitted by /u/VKohli
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Sagging Fat Pad, loose skin question

So I am a 43M, 5'11 and started at 270 lbs. I recently lost about 30 lbs from Sept 1 up till now and noticed that my stomach has really dropped, down from a 2X shirt solidly into a XL.

One thing that has me really concerned is my fat pad is extremely soft now and thick. I can probably pinch a good two inches of really soft flab. I have noticed that when I sit down that the skin from private rolls forward over the tip. When i stand back up it pops out but not all the way. I have to pull it out and its good again until i sit down or bend over.

It really has me worried, seems like maybe the fat pad lost some weight and there is loose skin bunch up on the private.

I went to a Urologist today and he was more concerned with my prostate and other parts. Said i checked out good. He also said as men age the retraction can happen as the men gain weight in the pubic region. I told him I was anxious about it but he told me everything checks out and that if i loose some weight it should fix the issue somewhat.

I have another 40 pounds I want to lose to get to a goal weight. 200 lbs on me is a size 35 waist. I don't think I was ever at my BMI weight range of 175 due to my large muscle build as an athlete in school.

I guess I am worried that even when i lose the weight the skin is stretched too much to go back to normal and will always have my private retract when i sit. My fat pad was never big enough to engulf my private so I am a little shocked I am having this issue.

Anyone else every experience this? My urologist told me to relax it was no big deal but to me it feels terrible. he said its pretty common as men age and gain weight. I guess I will get use to it. Just stinks to have it turtling out every time I sit down and have to adjust when I stand.

submitted by /u/Midage77
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To anyone starting their weight loss journey tomorrow....

I started 2020 at 268 lbs. I had a binge eating disorder. My typical day consisted of having McDonald's for breakfast. That consisted of two Sausage Egg Mcmuffins, hash browns, and a Coke. For lunch I would have Chicken Lo mein, or General Tso's. For dinner it would be a dozen wings, and a large pepperoni pizza. I would wash it down with a liter of soda. For dessert it was half a dozen doughnuts. I'm proud to say that I kicked my binge eating disorder, and I weighed in today at 198 lbs. I just want to share some of the things that I've learned over this past year. Hopefully some of these tips will help you.

To anyone starting their weight loss journey tomorrow, all I can say is to "believe in yourself", and that "you can do this". I know the journey may seem daunting. All I can say is take it one day, one bite at a time. Set small goals. It can be to lose 4 lbs a month, maybe it's 8, but make a small goal that you can reach every month. When you reach that goal, then reward yourself, preferably something non food related. For example: buy new jeans, or a new shirt.

Also, you're in control of what you put in your body. The turning point in my weight loss journey was the day I almost relapsed. I had a stressful few weeks, and I could feel myself slipping. I went to the local doughnut shop and bought have half a dozen doughnuts. I brought them back home, stared at them, and then I threw them away. It was like a light bulb went off in my head. It was an OMG moment that food didn't control my life anymore. The other thing that helped me is that I have a maintenance day once a week. On this day I eat a couple of slices of pizza, and I have a dessert.

While exercise and the gym have become my sanctuary, you don't have to exercise to lose weight. If you do want to start working out, then I suggest taking it really slow in the beginning. Even taking a fifteen minute walk around the block will end up making a significant difference. I also suggest investing in a food scale. I use my food scale for everything, from chicken to hamburger. Even if you eat healthy, but you go over maintenance, then you're still going to gain weight.

Finally, losing weight is more mental, than it is physical. My suggestion is to find your reason to lose weight. It can be to fit into a medium shirt, to run a 5k, or to simply live a better quality of life. On the days that you feel like quitting and throwing in the towel, then comeback to that reason. Remember why you wanted to lose weight in the first place. There will be days where you want to stop at McDonald's, or you're too tired for the gym, your reason will be the thing that makes you push through those tough days. Just remember that you got this.

submitted by /u/KinkaJac97
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Just wanted to share my successes in 2020 with someone

At the start of this awful year, I was morbidly obese. After injuring my knee badly 4 and a half years ago, I just gradually put more and more weight on, peaking at 296lbs which was more than double what I weighed pre-injury. I had really bad joint pain which was affecting my mobility and was out of breath after doing literally anything which was so scary with Covid. My life was a mess and my health was terrible.

As of today I’m now 90lbs lighter, only “overweight” and can do everything I used to be able to do perfectly fine again. I saw people at Christmas that couldn’t believe I was the same person as 12 months ago! I’m just so pleased and wanted to let everyone know that no matter how bad it is there’s always a way. I just addressed the poor elements of my lifestyle, the sugary drinks, takeaways, walking and tackled them one by one, building up a healthier and better me.

Happy 2021 guys x

submitted by /u/LordoftheDannyIngs
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30m, down from 350 to 240 over the course of 2 years but I’ve been plateaued about 6 months, help?!?

Hi all! So backstory-I hit 300 in high school and have always been obese. The max weight I hit was right around 350, I started hitting the gym, mostly lifting, in 2017 but my eating habits were terrible. Going into 2018, I started meal prepping and incorporating cardio and decided to try keto. Over the first half of 2018 I was down 70 lbs to 280 but keto was taking it’s toll on me and I was not getting enough calories in so I transitioned off successfully. I did a light CICO tracking and slowly chipped away at an additional 40 lbs over the next year.

Over the past 6 months, I have stalled out, I’ve tried everything. Back to keto, I picked up distance running, did my first 5 or so 10k runs, been very strict tracking my calories (between 2100 and 2500 daily, typically a deficit of 500-1000), and I work out consistently. 5 days a week at the gym, cardio and lifting.

I can not figure out how to push over this! I have 25-30 lbs left to hit my goal and while I have absolutely developed the habits to live healthy moving forward, I just want to start seeing the progress again!

Just some stats to make me feel good: Size XXXL- Size L shirt Size 48-size 36 jeans 350lbs-240lbs Goal weight 210-215 Height:6ft

I’ve attached a link to progress pictures too![progress pics](

Thanks for your input!

submitted by /u/gingerfuck1228
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I gained 22lbs in 45days

I think I've developed a binge eating disorder and it's pretty much destroying my life. I'm determined to lose 40lbs in 2021. Anyone got advice on what I can do to reach this goal?Obviously I just need to be in a calorie deficit and exercise (I like to go on long walks and the gym if it's open) but I'm finding it super hard to control my impulsiveness to binge. I find myself eating so many meals and snacks a day because I just cannot control myself. I'm always severely depressed because of school, that leads to me feeling like shit and that's what causes the binging. I'm honestly thinking about dropping out of school this year to focus on my mental health. I didn't binge at all during lockdown and I was super happy (I lost 35lbs during that time). I just want my old motivated self back :/

submitted by /u/Daturatrauma201
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After 6 months of strict CICO, I threw my diet out the window for 2 weeks. Here's what I learned about myself ...

I was 51.5lb down when I returned home for the Christmas break. It was the first time in a year that I'd seen my family and I made the concious decision to forget about the diet while I was there. I had been feeling lethargic and homesick and my weight loss had been slowing. Some of this might read like a diary entry (apologies if it does) but I wanted to share what i learned about myself...

- First off, I gained 5.5lb. Honestly, I'm shocked it wasn't more. I was dreading stepping on the scales this morning thinking I would weigh in at 225lb or more but it rang in at 219lb.

- I have not broken old habits like I thought I might have. Some optimistic part of me thought that I wouldn't want the bad food, but I easily had 4 or 5 takeouts while I was back. In the beginning, I would start with a healthy soup or fruit but as the days went on I switched those out for leftovers or a slice of cheesecake or a cheese sandwich.

- Dieting gives me a great sense of self control and purpose. Counting calories takes a lot of time and energy, but I truly missed knowing how I was doing for the day. I had no sense of accomplisment and equally no will to improve on a bad day.

- My issues come from my mother. My mother is the best person I know and in no way meant to impose her issues on me, but I can see how her life, even still at 54, revolves around food. She had weight loss tips stuck to the fridge which me and my sisters agreed to remove (citing "bad vibes"). She was constantly saying she was giving up bad food in the new year because she wants to lose a lot of weight. No specific goal, just a lot. It made me sad.

- For the first time in my life, I'm not the heaviest person in my family and i have mixed feelings about this. My sisters & I would argue a lot when we were young and one of the insults my middle sister would use is that i was fat. it really hurt me at the time. I hadn't seen both of them for a year and I was surprised when I got home at how much weight they'd both put on. My middle sister, who was always the meanest and, not coincidentally, the skinniest is probably heavier than me now. I never expected to be happy about something like this... we're all adults and get along now, but it made me sad because I hope she isn't as miserable at her weight as I was before I started losing weight. She has always been so gorgeous... she still is. She has been unemployed for most of the year and living back with my mother since the start of COVID. Before that, she had a really good job and was about to move to Australia for a year. I guess i just feel sad for her because she's 26 and I want her to be happy in her mid 20s. We got along really well for the first christmas ever, i'm not sure how much of that was me being away for so long or us just getting older or if it's something else, but now i'm back in another country and i miss them all a lot. I'm proud of what i've achieved but I don't feel a sense of superiority which, i don't know, i thought I might feel after a lifetime of sisterly competitiveness?

- My weight loss was noticable. I made a post a while back worrying that no one had noticed my weight loss. I felt discouraged and a lot of people suggested that people either hadn't noticed because they see me so often or because they're too polite to bring up a subject like that. I think in retrospect both were true. It was the first thing my mother said when she saw me and the first thing she said to my sisters when I saw them was "look how much weight M has lost!". My boyfriend's mother also commented on it.

- Social media is triggering for me. Regardless of falling back into old habits, i had an amazing christmas break. The only times I felt myself feeling terrible about myself is when I went on instagram and started to compare myself to others.

- I can be really horrible to myself. The scales in my family home wasn't working so I could never check in on myself. Anytime I caught my reflection in the mirror I was trying to imagine where I'd put the weight on. I assumed it MUST be atleast 10lb because look how fat my stomach looks. Has my ass always been that big? What if I step on the scales and i'm 20lb heavier - is that possible? I still very much have these hateful instincts inside me. I need to work on loving myself regardless of how I look because even if I reach my goal weight I'm always going to have days where I'm bloated or have sagging skin or catch the wrong angle in the mirror.

- Gaining a few pounds is fine. My biggest takeaway is that being heavier after the Christmas break is OK. I can spiral into negative thought patterns but I don't hate myself. While I owe it to myself to get back to losing weight, i'm also not defined by it.

CONCLUSION: I have a lot of work left to do in 2021. This journey is constantly teaching me new things about myself and about the people around me. i need to put time into self-care. I'm not as dissapointed that I fell into old eating habits as i am that I fell into old self-criticising habits.

I'm setting a new goal to get into the 100s by my birthday in 4 months time. I'm so excited to see where I am this time next year (hopefully at my goal weight!)

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. x

submitted by /u/SSugarMagnolia
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How do you handle holiday binging while dieting?

I’m in college, and I’ve been home for the last few months. My entire family came home for Christmas, and we’ve been feasting for the last week and a half. My mom has pulled out all of the stops in cooking dinner and has made all of the best dinners she knows how to make. Unfortunately, all of those recipes are typical Midwestern, unhealthy meals. I’ve told my family a few times that I’ve recently started a diet and am trying to limit my caloric intake. They keep making fun of me for doing this and telling me to just take a few weeks off during the holidays. I really want to spend the next month before I go back to college eating as healthy as possible, so I can’t just take time off from this. Does anyone have any tips for how to diet when I have no support system in place at home and all of the available food is unhealthy (and so so tempting)? I’ve been going to the gym to work off the big dinners I eat, and I meal prepped for the next few days with a healthy dinner. I just don’t know if I can do that every day.

submitted by /u/city_slicker442
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[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: December 31st, 2020

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone are welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

Let us know how your day is going, or, if you're checking in early, how your yesterday went!

Share your victories, rants, problems, NSVs, SVs, we are here!

I want to shortly also mention — this thread lives and breathes by people supporting each other :) so if you have some time, comment on the other posts! Show support, offer advice and share experiences!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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Unsolicited comments about my weight during grandpa’s funeral

My aunt arrived from out of town to attend the funeral of my grandpa. I haven’t even thought about my weight loss journey since my grandpa died. It’s been blood transfusions and hospital visits and quick, microwaveable meals this past month.

I’m obese. Four months ago, I weighed 209 pounds at 5 feet 2. Today, I weigh 177. My aunt has always been the type to tell me to lose weight every time she sees me.

When she saw me yesterday, she was in disbelief, as if the concept of me actually putting in effort to lose a few pounds wasn’t possible in this or in any other universe. She asked me about it openly, in front of a few other people, and wouldn’t stop pestering me about it.

I was severely uncomfortable with the attention. This was a time of mourning, not a time for prying into the reasons of losing weight. The thing is, I lost an additional 5 pounds drastically because I lost my grandpa. I was in shock and grappling with a sudden curveball right at the end of the year.

I found out later that she asked all around, including the help and my mom, if I was dieting, if I was starving myself, if I was taking weight loss pills. They told her I was strict with my calories (CICO).

She confronted me again and demanded many times I tell her my current weight. Which I don’t see as a topic of great importance. She also commented on how I was going to fail with calorie counting and that I should only trust keto, because it helped her lose 7 pounds. When I finally told her I was 177 pounds, her response was, “so you’re THAT big huh?”

I was ashamed. People heard. I got over it quickly.

The point of this post? I need a space to vent. Sorry if you’re privy to the whining of a young adult. Comments like these shouldn’t bother me. Unsolicited comments about your weight loss shouldn’t bother you either. I exercise and calorie count for myself and the future I am fighting for, not for the opinion of a meddling aunt. I just wish people were more sensitive of the questions that they ask.

Anyway, I lost 30 pounds! I still can’t believe I actually had it in me. The new year is fast approaching and we have dinner with one seat emptier, but there is still good in this world to be found. To whoever is reading this, the only opinion that truly matters is the ones you make of yourself.

submitted by /u/halbertcamus
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50lbs to lose, desperate to make changes.

After three years of binging and treating my body like a dustbin, I finally reached my snapping point, which is that my huge, baggy 'fat pants' that I wear for comfort on my period now no longer fit. I am too fat for my fat pants! Something has to change.

Weighing myself was a shock. I knew I had gained a lot of weight since I had my stroke, but... I'm just under 50lbs overweight and that feels like such a huge amount to lose. But I look at the amazing people here who have lost into the 100s, and I think, it can't be that bad, can it, surely?

New Year is a great 'excuse' to make changes, too. I've been running this year (which I think has saved me from even more weight gain) and have taken up a fundraising challenge to run 50 miles across January. I've got to do that, as I already have sponsors, so I think if I start trying to avoid binges and actually track what goes into my mouth, I should get results.

submitted by /u/Quoft
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SV/NSV Feats of the Day - Thursday, 31 December 2020: Today, I conquered!

The habit of persistence is the habit of victory!

Celebrating something great? Scale Victory, Non-Scale Victory, Progress, Milestones -- this is the place! Big or small, long or short, please post here and help us focus all of today's awesomeness into an inspiring and informative mega-dose of greatness! (Details are appreciated!! How are you losing your weight?)

  • Did you just change your flair? pass a milestone? reach a goal?
  • Did you log for an entire week? or year?
  • Did you take the stairs? walk a mile? jog for 3? set a new personal record?
  • Fit into your old pair of jeans? throw away your fat clothes? fit into your college outfit?

Post it here! This is the new, improved place for recording your acts of awesomeness!

Due to space limitations, this may be an announcement (sticky) only occasionally. Please find it daily and keep it the hottest thing on /r/loseit!

On reddit your vote means, "I found this interesting!" Help us make this daily post the most read, most used, most interesting post on /r/loseit by reading, commenting, and participating often!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Terrible relationship with food even after weight loss. Starting therapy next week.

I (28F) have never openly talked about my struggles with food and I hope this is a good place to open up a little. Prior to Covid, I had lost over 50lbs and although I gained some of it back during quarantine, as soon as my gym opened back up I (safely and with proper precautions such as wearing a mask) started working out again to lose whatever I had gained. I go to the gym a few days a week, and I also stay active by walking and hiking with my dog.

However while staying active hasn’t been a problem, food has become a huge issue for me, especially since it is holiday season. Last year and the year before around this time I was pretty good about sticking to my diet, but this year, it has been so impossible for me to stick to healthy eating habits. Since Thanksgiving, I’ve found myself in a cycle of binging and restricting, and it is so devastating because for a year I had the healthiest eating habits! No fast food, no soda, low carb, intermittent fasting, never binged. All that was what helped me lost the weight I struggled with for so many years. (I have PCOS which initially made it very hard to lose weight.)

Lately, I can’t complete my 18:6 fasting even though when I first did it a year ago I managed to do it so easily. I crave all the carbs, all the soda, all the fast food. I try to ignore the cravings but after hours and hours of thinking about having the fries, I crack and give into my craving. When I go out to get food I get a crap ton of food knowing that after the binge, I’ll be restricting heavily for the next few days so I overindulge. I cannot find my self discipline like I did the first time and I’m becoming so obsessed with restricting, but that usually causes me to not only overeat, but overeat really bad foods.

I know I can’t outrun a bad diet, and if I don’t get my food problem under control, I will gain a lot of weight back, if not all of it. I signed up for therapy with a therapist who specializes in eating disorders, and my first appointment is next week. I’m scared because I really don’t want to be diagnosed with BED but I know I need the help before it spirals further out of control.

I really don’t know why this so hard for me when I was so successful the first time. :(

submitted by /u/showmeyourlightsaber
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Taking a break was a horrible idea

I started my weight loss journey in September 2019. After reading a lot about intermittent fasting I tried 16/8 which was met with a lot of headaches and dizziness. Then 18/6 which felt like a struggle, then 20/4 because I can! My goal was to lose 20 pounds. I'm rather short so it shows a lot on me.

Up until a week ago I was back to 18/6 and I decided to take these 10 days of Christmas as a break from IF and counting calories to celebrate losing 15 pounds.


I have never felt so bad physically and mentally. I did for sure cheat on my diet every now and then during the last year (damn you munchies) but never for an extended period of time.

Well calories don't count over Christmas vacation so I indulged. I stopped tracking my calories, stopped tracking my water intake and stopped if.

We'll let me tell you I haven't pooped in 3 days (sorry TMI) and every night when I go to bed I have to take a cocktail of pills so not wake up with a wrenching stomach pain at 4am.

Anyway back to IF after tomorrow night's dinner..

Let's start the year by making better decisions!

submitted by /u/Ouolioliolou
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Is being boney a sign of unhealthy weight loss

I'm trying to figure out whether or not being boney is a bad sign of weight loss. I eat pretty healthy, I don't actually count calories so I don't restrict myself - I just eat healthy and stop myself when I'm full. I also stopped a medication that caused me to gain weight, which probably helped my weight loss.

I don't hit the gym and instead I just walk for several km a day.

When I lie down I'm uncomfortable because my hip bones poke into the mattress or my ribs do if I lie onto my stomach. On my back or side sometimes it's my shoulder blades that bug me. It feels like I can count my ribs and when I sit down my butt always feels uncomfortable/too boney.

I don't actually look boney either so I have no idea what is going on (BMI says I am 19.5 too)

I want to stop myself from doing any more if this is damaging my body. I didn't think weight loss would lead to me feeling this boney. Or if there's any way to change this boney feeling

I'm a female who went from 175 -> 115 lbs. I am now 23 and originally I was 115 lbs when I was in my teens but I never felt this boney, so I don't know what is going on. I am 5'5

Any advice appreciated

submitted by /u/RegionDesigner
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New Year New Hopes

I’m 5’4 28F. Yes, cheesy post title I know but where else is there to go but up after such a crazy year?

A little negative rant ahead... I went the last 1.5 years without therapy for my anxiety as I was too proud to keep relying on a therapist for my well being. Well it wasn’t a disaster so I am stronger than I thought but it wasn’t smooth sailing either. As many others here, I gained (10-12 pounds) pandemic weight. I kept telling myself I’d lose it all from sept to December but I didn’t. However I wasn’t motivated or disciplined enough to lose it. I’m filled with enormous self hate and under confidence now. I’m seeing family after almost a year now (after quarantining..) but I am so anxious to be around them and miserable looking in the mirror. They love me so much but I cringe and feel unworthy of their love. I have been working out and watching my diet almost everyday this past week which has helped these thoughts diminish, but it’s not a permanent fix. I am so upset with myself that I got myself to this stage where everyone around me sees me as a beautiful person (inside & out) but I see myself as shit. I’m sick of hating myself. So this 2021, I’m going to hopefully make sustainable changes to make my life better and to love myself more? Although I’m terrified of the upcoming year for so many reasons, this is what I hope to do:

  1. See a therapist more often! Infact my first session is on New Years!
  2. Spend 20-30 mins a day most mornings working out in a way that is fun and uplifting.
  3. Better food choices: CICO but importantly less dependency on fried food for comfort or when I’m anxious. This is the main reason I can’t keep the weight off. Is there anyone who’s overcome this?
  4. Work towards my professional goals in a focused manner without overthinking or underestimating myself all the time

These are huge goals but hopefully I can do it! Let’s do this guys!!

submitted by /u/ChubbyDesi4
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Persevering through life's obstacles.

5' 10 33yr M Sw 300. Cw. 248. Gw. 195. I was 270 before pandemic lockdown hit in March. Stress eating and boredom drinking lead to me hitting 300 in June. Have always been the bigger guy or fat friend in group but seeing 300 on the scale opened my eyes and scared me. Decided to start dieting/portioning/working out. Started out small, 20 min walks in the evening. Lead to 30 min walks. Lead to 30 min walks with high jumps. Lead to 30 min walks with HIIT workouts. Lead to HIIT with Cardio and strength training at the gym 3 times a week. End of November I was at 255 and feeling great. Started a new labor intensive job and it is very time consuming. Oatmeal and black coffee every morning. Pack my lunch every night before so I'm never tempted to eat out or grab something because it's convenient. Haven't been able to take my walks. Have not been to the gym since I started. Weighed myself this morning expecting to see either a gain or no loss and find that I'm down to 248. Weigh loss has slowed but tracking/portioning /weighing all my meals, drinking mostly water, not berating myself for an occasional unhealthy snack or going over my caloric limit and relieved to still be losing weight. This life is chaotic and unpredictable. Before I would find an excuse for giving up and eating garbage or not working out and let it be. I've learned that I'm in control of myself and my well being. I'm my own ally.. stay strong, forgive yourself for slipping, and keep on your journey. Whether its 15 or 150 lbs. You can do it. I never thought I could do what I've I wonder how far I can go. I believe in myself and I believe in anyone on their own journey. Sorry for the word vomit. Thanks for reading and happy end to this clusterfuck of a year.

submitted by /u/liizardbliizzard
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NPR: Biology's A B*tch: 5 Reasons It's So Hard To Keep Weight Off

This article from 2019 showed up on my FB feed and I thought it was fairly decent in summarizing many of the things we repeat here at r/loseit so it was worth resharing.

  1. Metabolism slows when you lose weight. - You need less food because there is less of you to feed
  2. If you choose to try to lose weight, make changes that you can live with for the long haul. - It’s a life change not a short term fix
  3. Hormones in your brain conspire to make you hungrier when you lose weight. - this is the place where biology is really a bitch, but you don’t have to listen to the hormones and eventually they become background noise
  4. To lose weight, what you eat is more important than how much you exercise. - You can’t outrun a bad diet
  5. On the other hand, exercise seems to play a big role in maintaining a lower weight. - This is definitely true for me. I’m a lot more active than I was and yet I eat about as many calories as I did at my heaviest most weeks when I am active.

How about you? Discuss.

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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I gained it all back, and I'm ready to lose it all again...

I've regained every pound that I lost in college...and I feel ashamed. Four years of healthy and unhealthy habits, sweat, stress, success, and failures are gone after just three years. I was so proud. I had lost 80 pounds in that time. Yes, I can blame the biggest gains on COVID, but I also spent the better portion of the year beating a brain tumor. I'm proud of that, but I've spent the year laying flat on the couch, being a slug while I let my body heal. And now I'm back at 250, the same weight when I walked across the stage at my high school graduation.

So, New Year's Eve is here, and I'm resolving to get healthy again. If I lost it once, I can do it again. If I beat a brain tumor, I can beat a craving for junk food. I've spent enough time on the couch for one lifetime, and I've had enough of it, I'm ready to move again.

If I can do it, so can you. We can do this together.

Happy New Year, I'll see you out there!

submitted by /u/10thunderpigs
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Nervous to start my changes new years day

Hi all!

I'm 17f, 5'2" and abt 178-180 pounds now.

This holiday season has been so hard. My family loves to cook and bake during this year, and this year was no exception. Plus with my mom insisting I come with her holiday shopping, and us eating fast food mid day from local restaurants while on these trips, it's easy to say I've gained back the weight I lost at the beginning of the month.

I've been a little disheartened, and my mom kind of told me to relax on my diet until January begins, otherwise all id feel is shame during the holidays

So, with January first coming up, I'm both so excited and nervous to begin a workout routine I've planned out for me and start making some new habits that were just not as easy to start with my mom baking up a storm and her constantly wanting me taste testing

Cheers to everyone starting off in 2021! May your journeys provide fruit!

submitted by /u/opppybro1003
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Best option for getting rid of old clothes?

So, I'm down a total of 150lbs (A little over 330 > 180) over the course of a few years -- I have a lot of extra clothes from the journey on the way down. I went from a 3x almost 4x (sometimes) shirt size, down to a large, and a 56-54 inch waist to a 36.

I was thinking of just bringing a lot of the clothing to Goodwill, but is there a better option for what to do with them? I feel like they may just sit there instead of getting good use. Surely, there must be a good place on Reddit for this sort of thing? Some of the jeans are in really good shape still. A few decent jackets as well. Gathering together what I can of old 2x and 3x shirts.

Anyway, figured here would be the best place to ask.

submitted by /u/a1c-were-going-down
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24-Hour Pledge - Thursday, 31 December 2020 - The Plan for Today!

Wake up with determination; go to bed with satisfaction!

This is our daily check-in, to help keep us accountable over the long haul. Feel free to post whatever goals will help keep you on track.

Here's the regular text on behalf of this thread's originator, kingoftheeyesores, taken with his blessing

> I'll be posting a daily, 24 hour pledge to stick to my plan, or whichever small piece of my plan I am currently working on. Whatever your dietary goals may be, I hope you stick to them for the next 24 hours (and then worry about the following 24!). Who's with me?

Thanks to /u/nofollowthrough who made the 24-Hour Pledge an ongoing /r/loseit institution.

Due to space limitations, this may be a sticky only occasionally. Please find it daily using the sidebar or top message.

On reddit, your vote means, "I found this interesting" ( more about voting on reddit)

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Cure for Hating Vegetables

Hi! I’ve been a longtime lurker, but this is my first time posting. I wish someone would have told me this information years ago so now I want to shout it from the rooftops!

I’ve been dieting on and off for as long as I can remember and my biggest pitfall was always that I hated vegetables too much to actually fill up on them. I’m finding 1200 calories a day fairly easy and definitely sustainable now that I’m actually focused on filling half of my plate with the the healthy stuff.

When I say I hated vegetables, I mean I liked carrots. And that’s it. I tried so hard to like others like green beans and squash, but I genuinely just...didn’t. I’d sometimes make them or order them, but I’d ultimately toss them aside, which left me pretty hungry.

Over the last 30 days, I have literally trained myself to not only tolerate vegetables, but legitimately enjoy them! I got a large capacity air fryer during Black Friday (the Ninja Foodi Digital Air Fry Oven—the one that flips), but I think you can probably do most of these techniques in a regular oven.

-MAKE IT CRISPY. It turns out, a lot of veggies, like broccoli, asparagus, and omfg Brussels sprouts are absolutely delicious if you roast them until they’re crispy! An air fryer will be easier for this, but make sure you don’t drown it in oil and season away.

-Seasoning! I really can’t handle spicy food and I kind of thought all food was either spicy...or not. There’s a whole world of flavor out there beyond heat! My favorite blends are from Trader Joe’s and The Spice House, but you can use anything that smells or tastes good to you to dress up your veg.

-Consistency. I think this was the biggest thing for me: I was super consistent for about two weeks of eating at least a full serving of veggies every day, even if I didn’t love them. This forced my body to want them, which has now triggered actual cravings for vegetables!

-Don’t rely on your fallbacks. I still have my beloved carrots, but not too often. And when I do have them, I make sure they’re mixed with something new(er) to me.

-Don’t focus on swaps until you have the foundations down. What I mean is like, hell yeah I like French fries, but cooking butternut squash like French fries did not satisfy me and instead just made me mad at the squash for not being fries. Instead, I’m focusing on enjoying squash for what it is, and then I’ll try fun ways of cooking it, like as fries, down the road.

-GARLIC. That’s it—that’s the tip. Put garlic on it and it will taste better.

I really hope this can help someone because it’s certainly helped me more than any other weight loss truck I’ve ever tried. I used to not be satisfied if I didn’t have a starch during a meal, but now I find Brussels sprouts just as satisfying as potatoes. Let me know what other fun air fryer or vegetable tips you have!!

submitted by /u/Brutn0r
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Am I developing an ED

15M SW:260 GW:180 CW:215. I think this would be an odd question on this sub due to the fact that ED's aren't talked about much on this sub. And I realize that the majority of you won't know how to respond or give me an answer and I was expecting this. But it is a question that I can't help but ask myself.

Am I developing an eating disorder? I constantly obsess about my weight, I won't lie and say I havent considered starving. I eat just fine but later I feel bad and disgusted with myself. If im honest I don't think I will be worth anything until I lose the weight. Im afraid of getting fat again and just gaining weight in general.

I don't want to tell anyone and I could probably hide an ED behind cutting weight for wrestling. I don't want to tell my parents because they will stop me from losing weight. I lift all the time run a lot and my eating varies day to day. Im extremely looks concious about myself and how people see me. I just don't really think I could be happy with myself until I get leaner and more muscular and lose more weight.

submitted by /u/thedestroyerofaltacc
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Every fucking year i promise myself to get my act together, to eat healthy, to get active etc.

NOT THIS YEAR BABY. I end this weird fucking year 2020 on a high. The last 3 months i finally got my ass up and started working on myself.

I lost 30lbs since Oct 15 and i am proud of myself. I still have a long long way to go. I am 29y, 5'7, 275lbs. My highest weight was 308lbs and my goal is 185lbs.

SO NO, no stupid ass new year's resolution - i just keep going. I feel great, i am not starving myself, i like working out and i keep myself motivated.

After lurking for forever in this sub i finally had a reason to create an account and post something positive. I do a lot of documentation and videos , photos etc about my progress.

It helps me keep my focus and if when i reach my goals i have something to share for everybody.

I know 30lbs isn't that huge for a big boy like me, but i feel great and my journey feels different. i approach this upcoming year with lots of motivation and optimism.

I wish everyone who reads this and everyone who is struggling to loose weight - to get that little bit of motivation to get a decent start in your journey. don't let yourself get down by all the shit happening to our planet right now. You can trust me with one thing- if a lazyass obese dude like me can do it - you 100% can do it to!

Here's to an amazing year 2021! 🥂

submitted by /u/bigpatso
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What A Difference 5 Years Can Make

I've been on this subreddit since 2015, and over that time I've gone up and down many times. Yesterday I looked at this side by side 5 year difference, and all I felt was gratitude.

What's worked best for me: 1000 calorie deficit (any food in moderation) + 10k steps a day (usually an hour long walk is needed). The daily consistency is the biggest challenge, but I do it most days and that's what matters. I also have a very good therapist.

I tried intense workouts and whole30, and while that made me lose quicker, I always gained that weight back because I wasn't doing something that worked for me long term. Go at the pace that works best for you. These 5 years went by in a flash and they changed my life.

Sharing because it's posts like these that always kept me coming back to better choices. Thank you to everyone on this subreddit for sharing their journeys, challenges, and successes. It's a vulnerable thing that has genuinely touched my heart.

submitted by /u/grownwomanchild
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10 weeks ago I‘ve started my weightloss journey

Hey Guys! So I am a 23 year old woman that started her weightloss journey 10 weeks ago. I‘ve lost 7 (!!!) Kg and i couldn’t be happier! I‘ve started out with 104,3 kg and slowly but surely I am losing the extra weight! And even though 7 kg isn‘t out of this world this is such a big step for me! I had an ED when i was in my teens which made me afraid of counting calories and working out again because I‘ve thought i would fall back into really destructive behaviours. Thankfully this did not happen. Personally I think that is the case because I loved my body the same way 10 weeks ago like I love it nowadays! I‘ve finally learned that hating my body would never help me to be healthy and happy but loving it would! Sorry for the rambling I just wanted to share my happiness! I fell in love with working out and eating well and my journey will continue until i reach the best version of myself!

Thank you for reading and habe a great day and hopefully a prosperous new year!

submitted by /u/thebislothgodess
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I have a pretty specific question and hope someone can relate

Hi everyone. I started in February at 220 (33F) and I'm currently between 155 and 160. I feel freaking great and love being a medium. I mostly just like how much more confident I feel and sadly enough, how much better people (close friends and family to strangers off the street) treat me. I knew for a fact that when I was fat people were being shitty with me because I was fat but no one believed me and now I have kind of evidence. So my very specific question is if anyone who has lost over 50 lb has become obsessed with exercising and counting calories?I don't have an eating disorder at all, I am very familiar with eating disorders as I suffered from them in my 20s and at the age of 19 was 90 lb. it's not that, it's just this super hyper motivation that is pushing me forward to get smaller and to reach my goals now that I see that with hard work it is possible. I took my dog for a 5-mi walk today and that was just kind of the tip of the iceberg. I don't go to the gym or do any strength training I just walk and run but it still feels like a lot for me. In terms of my eating I eat only healthy food and only under 1300 calories a day, even with exercise. I don't know, I think it's just the new year coming and actually seeing potential for weighing under 135 by my birthday in July. I feel like if I can get back to that weight I will just be in control again and find happiness with other people.

submitted by /u/elopedscallop
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I want to make oat milk and assume amount of calories / carbs for MFP

100g of oats = 360 kcal / 7g fat / 60g carbs / 8g fibre / 10g protein

Now I don't want to go insane with all of that, but I need it mostly for my ice cream, aditionally I am on low carb diet, kinda low, just trying to stay below 100g per day, below 50g is even better.

For 1kg of ice cream there would go 600g of milk, here in Poland I cannot buy vegetable milk for reasonable price, so I can either use milk with 4.7 carbs (4.7 sugar) per 100g or make my own.

If I decide to make my meal ice cream (40g proteins 40g fats), there will be almost 40g of sugar from milk itself, kinda too much for me, or maybe not, I don't know I just want less... so I thought about making my own milk. First I thought about cashews but it has a lot of everything, today I read about oats and it would make a lot of sense to try that (if it will work with ice cream at all).

People say to just weight pulp that I am left with after "milking" oats, but what if 90% of fat actually goes into milk? What if 90% of carbs stays in pulp? In my case I worry less about calories, more about macros, but it's just oats so there is not much of that anyway!

So, I wanted to ask if that makes sense, I will just assume nutitional value for oats milk in this way:

Nutritional Value of 1 litre of Oat Milk (100g of oats with 1l of water) = 108 kcal / 4g fat / 15g carbs / 0g fibre / 3g protein (entire pulp gets removed)

To be honest I don't even care if that would be 300 kcal, that's totally fine, but does it make sense to assume that most carbs will stay in pulp?

I guess it all doesn't matter, for 100ml if there was 100% carbs in milk, that would still make it just 6 carbs per 100ml, i just wasted my time writing this

submitted by /u/kruszkushnom
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Advice needed !!

Hey guys, i need some advice. So im a 20F(5’1). Currently i weight 80kgs and want to lose around 20kgs in 6 ish months. Now i know that my BMR is 1800 so my -500 deficit would bring it down to 1300 as my daily calorie intake. (My current lifestyle doesnt demand a lot of moving around. I spend most of my day in my room either on my desk working or in my bed so the only time i work out is night when everyones asleep)

(Im assuming that my calorie intake before this was much higher than 1800 because i wasnt aware of anything. For example, id eat white pasta couple of days a week, white rice twice a day)

So, i wanted to ask if this sudden drop in my calorie intake would be dangerous? And if i should start with say 1700 or 1500? For a month and then cut it down

Second thing i needed advice was that is being caloric deficit enough for weight loss or exercise is necessary

Third was do those home workout videos on YT really work? Ive been doing chole ting lately and just wanted some reassurance

Thank you for the help, i really appreciate it! :)

submitted by /u/Tash_ganai
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[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: December 30th, 2020

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone are welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

Let us know how your day is going, or, if you're checking in early, how your yesterday went!

Share your victories, rants, problems, NSVs, SVs, we are here!

I want to shortly also mention — this thread lives and breathes by people supporting each other :) so if you have some time, comment on the other posts! Show support, offer advice and share experiences!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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SV/NSV Feats of the Day - Wednesday, 30 December 2020: Today, I conquered!

The habit of persistence is the habit of victory!

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  • Did you log for an entire week? or year?
  • Did you take the stairs? walk a mile? jog for 3? set a new personal record?
  • Fit into your old pair of jeans? throw away your fat clothes? fit into your college outfit?

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The strangest thing inspired me...

So I’ve been on again off again trying to lose weight. Was really successful for like a month then holidays and loneliness because of I ate my way through December. I imagine a lot of people went through this...but it was the first time I’ve ever spent a holiday alone. Very strange.

I didn’t have much going on so many friends reached out to just say hello as they know I’m alone and trying to do my part and not travel, and one friend reached out and recommended a show to me as all my friends know I’m a media junkie.

The show was Ted Lasso. I watched the entire season, staying up until 3 am to do so...thankfully I’m on winter break as a teacher so I didn’t have work the next day! Without any spoilers there are a lot of moments in the show where Ted struggles with something and it made me realize that it’s ok to struggle but not give up on yourself. Sometimes things work out different than you planned and that’s ok too as long as you keep trying.

So here I am...watching a show about soccer and crying as I realize I can do this.

Anyway, I’m back on the wagon tomorrow morning (well tonight but the day is over) with CICO and tracking all my food and getting back to my exercise regimen.

Thanks Ted! And thanks to this community! Y’all are always so helpful!

submitted by /u/barnaby14
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I gained weight and now get defensive when I’m asked if I wanna workout or eat a healthy meal

20F / 150lbs / 5’0

Last summer I had a really good routine with working out and eating healthy. I was at my lowest weight which was 118lbs. When the pandemic hit I wasn’t working for about 3 months so my old habits came back and I gained back all the weight I had lost plus more. I feel disgusting everyday but can’t find the motivation to pick up my good habits again.

I’m pretty short so my weight gain was obvious to not only myself but the people around me. This has been very hard for me and doesn’t give me any motivation to do better. It’s mostly my brother. He constantly asks me if I want to workout with him and offers to make me a healthy dinner. I don’t know why but I get defensive and mad whenever he asks this. Maybe because I’m embarrassed and can’t come to terms with the fact that I gained so much weight. Has anyone else ever gone through this? I’m taking baby steps like buying healthy groceries for myself but the thought of going to the gym sounds so embarrassing since I got so big. Any advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/throwawayihate2020ah
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I was trying to fix the wrong problem all of this time

SW: 270, CW: 204, GW: 143


I have been dieting for the past two years .. I've lost ~60lbs but gained a few pounds recently. The reason why I gained them back was because I had a very stressful month, and I went back to my "old habits".

You see, I am a serial snacker. I don't eat 5, 6 or even 7 meals a day. I eat MUCH MORE FREQUENTLY than that. My mouth doesn't stop eating from the moment I wake up until I fall asleep at night. I don't necessarily eat bad food, I actually eat many fruit and vegetables and I do eat some bad food too. I also don't eat a lot in one setting, I just eat enough to stop the hunger. I tried many healthy habits to solve this problem but they all seem to work temporarily:

  • counting calories: I count them all, but this didn't solve my eating habits at all. Basically, I still snack but this time all of my snacks are healthy and an added stress lol. I tend to break counting easily too
  • no junk/sugar/carbs: just like counting, I still eat many times a day
  • eating two meals a day/fasting 16:8 to OMAD: this worked the best for me! I found that not eating at all was much easier than eating little or avoiding junk! I actually lost the 60lbs using fasting :D I didn't feel tired and the two meals were big enough to fill me up so that I don't need to snack!

So, fasting/eating BIG meals helped. But why did I go back to my old eating habits then???? I was fasting for two years already. Sure in an on and off manner but still it's already a habit so what happened?

Simply put, I tried to get rid of the wrong culprit. No, the problem was not eating too much calories. It wasn't eating bad food. It wasn't snacking, It wasn't laziness. It wasn't the lack of willpower, discipline or motivation

the problem is that I don't have time to cook proper meals

I was fat since middle school. All of my childhood I was lean. Do you know what happened during middle school? I started becoming picky about my mom's cooking, so I will eat very few of it, then snack later and so on. The time my diet (fasting) worked was very special: I had enough time to cook!

I like my cooking. But because I am stressed/busy, I don't have time to cook a proper meal so I end up snacking. So, instead of focusing on counting, avoiding food, numbers of hours fasted, how many meals a day, how many calories per meal and so on, I need to solve the problem in its root. No matter how strict I am with myself when I fast or count calories, I will end up back to where I was once I lose weight. Because I am trying to solve the wrong problem

I will start meal prepping from today! I actually cook each week like 3 times. So I don't have to make food for the whole week. instead, I will make 2~3 days portion and meal prep two or three times a week

Wish me luck! I feel like I could succeed this time haha

submitted by /u/notafitperson
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How to Lose 20 Pounds at Home with a Busy Schedule Over 40s

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