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Weight Loss for Everyone: TIPS

Saturday, April 3, 2021


Hi everyone 👋🏽

I just wanted to post some tips and tricks that really helped me jumpstart my weight loss journey. I know it’s hard, but once you become motivated and dedicated to lose the weight, you are already ahead of the game.



The beginning is always the toughest. For the whole day you are great about counting calories or eating healthy and then BAM that late night snack craving starts to hit. DO NOT DO IT!! Eating late at night is the worst thing when trying to lose weight because it doesn’t give your body enough time to fully digest and metabolize your food. It is better to eat your last meal/snack before 7:00PM so your body can fully recover.

Solution: Fasting App. I use Zero. It gives you set times to start and stop eating as well as daily reminders to drink a ton of water. At first I struggled, but once I got through the first week I was already feeling so much better and naturally got less hungry after 7:00pm. 10/10 recommend.


When I am not doing anything active, I constantly think about food and what my next meal is going to be. Overtime, however, I figured out that if I am distracted or super busy I don’t really think about food at all! So I have been trying to go outside more. Whether it be at the park or gym or window shopping, I am not only distracted, but also active. It is recommended that a person should walk 10,000 steps/day to lose weight.

Solution: PUPPY!! You’re probably thinking that this is a huge joke, but I am 100% serious. Before I got a puppy, all I would do was sit at home and think about food. I ate 24/7 because I was bored. THEN I got Otis. I was constantly having to walk around the house to potty train, take him on several walks just so he’d become tired enough to take a long nap, and take him to the dog park because it is his favorite place in the whole world. He MADE me get up, go outside, and keep active. Now, when I start to get lazy and tired, he gets all destructive because he knows that it is time for his walk. Actually, he knows it’s time for my walk.

Solution 2: STANDING DESK So if a puppy is a no go, maybe opt for a standing desk. This helped me out a ton, especially having to work from home. Standing actually burns more calories than sitting even if you aren’t moving around. It also really showed me how out of shape I was when I was legit tired with sore feet from doing nothing.


I did not understand how much extra I was eating until I started to adhere to the serving size listed on the nutrition label. This is especially true for meals high in carbs such as pasta, pizza, and chocolate. Now, this doesn’t mean that you can’t eat these things at all, but it does mean you have to pay attention to how much you do eat.


I already stated this above but here is an example: a slice of cheese pizza can be around 250 calories. That’s not too bad right?!? well what if I decide to eat three pieces? that’s 750!! Instead I might eat a slice of pizza with a ceasar salad on the side because I know that one piece is not going to fill me up. Now I have an option where I can eat my pizza, still become full, have some greens, and still not eat as many calories.


As i said this is just my experience. If you are interested in learning more or have questions let me know!! I am here to help :)

Just know that you are strong and you CAN LOSE THE WEIGHT.

submitted by /u/lol_yikes_igtg
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