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Weight Loss for Everyone: time to get back to work (22f, 5'2.25" cw: 140.1 gw: 130)

Sunday, April 25, 2021

time to get back to work (22f, 5'2.25" cw: 140.1 gw: 130)

Welp. I've pretty much maintained this 140 since my bulk ended. I got so close to my goal of 130 in January (133), but then I decided it would be a good idea to go on a bulk and while gaining some weight was absolutely part of the plan, gaining 7-7.5 lbs was not really what I wanted to do in 3 months (though I suppose it could have been worse, I was really trying to reign it in and clean bulk instead of just eating whatever and however much I wanted).

so here we are, in the midst of week 2 of the current loseit challenge. I decided to go back to my calorie log from when I started losing weight during quarantine last April, and I was at ~1500 calories, and before I started my bulk, I was reverse dieting and able to keep a really tight 133 at 2100 calories. so. next week I'm returning to 1500 calories with at least 130g of protein (dw, I drink a gallon of water a day to appease my kidneys on the high protein diet). I'm gonna see how it goes. I've gotten super used to eating a LOT of food, but my meal prepped food is high volume, and sub 400 calories (think lots of veggies and protein), so I will be able to do this. also I just got that pancake mix, flourish?? it's actually super good and way higher protein than kodiak cakes so yay to that. drop your fave low cal high volume snacks below including ur favorite popcorn combo!

thanks for listening to my ramble - I'm ready to stop feeling so sluggish. and I haven't been 130 since senior year of hs, and im abt to go into my senior year of college. going to keep an eye on my big lifts (squat, deadlift, and bench. plus my pull ups) to make sure I'm not losing strength during this mini cut. I'm so glad I found this community!!! - shout out to team animaniacs!

submitted by /u/AccomplishedCat762
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