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Weight Loss for Everyone: Goal weight #1 met and first 10 lb lost!

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Goal weight #1 met and first 10 lb lost!

This morning after a 6-week plateau, I finally hit my first goal weight and coincidentally my first 10 lb.

I'm 29F 5'5, started at 76.3 kg on January 25th 2020, and this morning I weighed 71.8 kg! I'd been stuck at 73kg (+/- 0.5kg) for over a month and was starting to lose faith. Luckily I picked a diet that I knew I could sustain for the rest of my life even if I wasn't losing weight on it. I can't say for sure what broke the plateau but I suspect it was actually cheat meals. I'm on the following diet plan:

Macros: 30-45% carbohydrates, 30-50% fats, 15-25% protein. 100-150 g carbs a day. Aim for ~500 calorie deficit a day, 1500-2000 calories eaten on average. No wheat products, no sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no rice. Occasional starchy vegetables and whole grains. Exercise 30-45 minutes walking most days (~50,000 steps a week).

TMI below:

I have always been prone to constipation and I always attributed it to low fibre in my diet (I used to have a 65-95% carb diet even if my total calories were around maintenance levels). Now that I'm eating tonnes of fibre at every meal, I'm actually experiencing worse symptoms. I think partly because I need to drink a lot more than I used to to make up for the water loss from a low carb diet. I drink sodastream water which is meant to help. Yesterday I indulged in an ice cream to see if it would relieve my constipation and it actually did. So from now on I will try to add a bit of carbs (albeit healthier ones) if I'm feeling like I'm bloating or plateauing. Anyone else find that a cheat meal can do some good?

Thought I'd overshare my bowel movement issues as I know a lot of you are doing keto and it's a common complaint of it. If fibre isn't your issue, drink a lot more water and add some salt to your food (or drink soda water for the combined effect). I guess for keto you probably can't add carbs as getting in and out of keto is pretty taxing.

From now on I'm keeping my goals small. Next one will be 70 kg, then 68 kg, then finally 65 kg. Once I'm closer to my end goal weight I'll start incorporating workouts to sculpt my body. I find that while I get thinner and firmer when I build muscle, I don't actually lose weight, so I want to lose the weight first until I'm comfortably in the healthy range then build some muscle.

I've tried a lot of diets before (5:2 and 8:16 IF, CICO, weightlifting, running, cabbage soup diet) and the only one that worked was the cabbage soup diet but that's a fad diet so you cant do it for more than a week at a time and I can't do it when I need to work. This low carb diet is the first time a diet is actually working for me the way it should, and bonus I don't get cravings or hunger anymore.

submitted by /u/starlight_conquest
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