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Weight Loss for Everyone: Tired and defeated - weight has been always on my mind

Friday, April 2, 2021

Tired and defeated - weight has been always on my mind

Ever since being in secondary school (26 now) I was conscious of my weight, I am not even extremely overweight but people would call me fat (I'm like 10kg over my BMI).

I have been trying to loose weight ever since I can remember,I actually managed to get to my goal weight 4 years ago but I put it all back on. I am so exhausted thinking about my weight all the time and this battle is such a constant, every fucking day I think about it for the past years. I have worked out and tried to change the way I think about working out i.e not a punishment for eating but rather a test of your capabilities. I tried different diets, Keto really helped my mindset. But I always fail in the end, now I am almost back to my all time high weight and just dont know what to do.

I love eating it's my drug,I don't do alcohol, smoke or anything, why would I when food is my drug?

I don't know what to do friends, I have fought this battle so many times and it just doesn't end.

Has anyone else experiened this? Did you over come it, how? I need to change my mindset completely I have such a bad relationship with food, purging (only when trying to lose weight)

I don't know what to do anymore.

submitted by /u/ItsAlwaysMeAintIt
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