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Weight Loss for Everyone: The Problem about goals. How not to be disappointed.

Monday, April 26, 2021

The Problem about goals. How not to be disappointed.

Now everyone is different, some are more emotional, some are lacking motivation, some need high goals, some need small goals.
What i found out about my own goals and i think many have the same "problem" is that success is only if we reach the goal.
If we allmost reach it: FAILURE! if we dont make any changes: FAILURE! If we gain weight: FAILURE!
I think high goals are good to some degree, but we or at least i have to change the view on whats a success.
Any weight lost IS PROGRESS and success. Losing more weight is better but not "the minimum".
Even gaining weight can be a progress if you were gaining more before, because it shows a tendency of "good change".
I mean even the fact that we are tracking the progress and putting thought into it, is fucking awesome.
I dont wanna sugar coat things, but developing awareness for the problem or for whatever you wanna call it is better than ignoring it and slowly walking in the wrong direction.

submitted by /u/louisme97
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