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Weight Loss for Everyone: Progress: 132+ days without bingeing

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Progress: 132+ days without bingeing

After about 44 years of bingeing at least two times each week, I stopped bingeing 132+ days ago after telling my wife about my lifelong secret. In the first 96 days, I lowered my a1c from 7.2 to 6.3.

In the last 132+ days, I have not eaten:

  • Baked goods of any kind
  • Chocolate (except for 14 individual chocolate chips, which is one individual chocolate chip every nine days on average)
  • Tortilla chips--my mortal weakness
  • Potato chips
  • Pizza (except for scraping off the toppings and eating none of the bread)
  • Potatoes (except for about seven French fries, which is one French fry about every three weeks on average)
  • Flour in anything
  • Rice (except for about four cups of cooked rice, which is approximately one cup of rice every 33 days or .267 ounces per day on average)
  • Ice cream (except keto stuff that's super low in net carbs)

This is not easy. I knew that bingeing was a mechanism I had used for decades, but I didn't realize what it would feel like when I removed that mechanism from my life. I no longer address feeling sad or depressed or happy or some other way with a full bag, sleeve, box, or carton of carbs. And I no longer have any food hidden around the house, which I'm still getting used to but more so every day.

If you're wondering whether you can do this, you can. You might not be ready to start yet, but when you're ready, you can do it, but don't expect it to be anything but a serious challenge. Don't do it to look better for other people. Do it to change your health. That's the only motivation that keeps me engaged.

submitted by /u/notbingeworthy
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