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Weight Loss for Everyone: I am completely out of control, help!

Monday, April 26, 2021

I am completely out of control, help!

I (21F, 5ft1). Now I am nowhere near overweight, but just a year ago, I was bordering obesity. (which I was since I was a teen) However, I managed to lose a lot of weight (almost 50lbs) and actually maintained at around 105-110lbs for about half a year, which I felt very happy at. I started eating normally (healthy, balanced meals) and was very active both at work and working out at home. I didn't particularly care about how I looked, but with losing a lot of weight, I felt extremely fit, free of food and just... happy.

Well this past month and a half has sent me down a horrible spiral of food obsession, binging and complete inability to control myself. The thing is, I don't even know how exactly it happened... but all of a sudden I literally can't stop eating and every day I find myself stuffing myself with the weirdest, most horrible combinations of food (think dry granola mixed with some tahini paste...), despite feeling so full that I feel sick. Every day, I feel so unwell and think "this is the last day, it's just not worth feeling so horrible"... but then, I just can't do it?

I've been trying different approaches - simply making good, nutritious meals, going back to counting calories (not even eating at a deficit, just tracking), only eating when hungry... but it's just not working at all. I want to cry just thinking about it, because I can't seem to be able to control my eating at all... I have already gained 8lbs (and a dress size, I literally don't fit into my clothes after just a month) and at this rate, I will be back to obesity within a few more months.

So my question to you all is, what can I do? I don't eat because I'm hungry, I don't even enjoy it, but I just can't stop. I get these urges constantly and when I try to just let them pass, they literally don't go away to whole day. They give me so much anxiety... Has anyone else here had huge relapses like this when they had already been maintaning their goal weight for a while? Any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/bmikesova44
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