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Weight Loss for Everyone: Hopefully Beginning my Journey

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Hopefully Beginning my Journey

I've never been one for saying how I feel, or what I'm doing but I figure that if I'm going to hopefully start a new chapter of my life I might as well say it to others with the same mindset in case one day I post back here with my goal reached and feel better.

I've been depressed for probably half my life now, I'm 19 in case you were wondering. This depression has lead me to become morbidly obese, 340lbs to be exact at 6'4. It cringes me to even say that, but I've known I've had an issue for years and just haven't been able to bring myself to fix it. Well, tonight was my first night I finally decided f#$% it and exercised for the first time In probably 3 years. I moved out of my abusive fathers house and finally feel so much happier, I've started taking steps to make myself better like gaining an interest in cooking actual food and at least cutting down on how much I eat I'm definitely not calorie counting, but I'm sure as hell not eating 3000+ calories a day anymore. Since the 2 weeks I've moved in I've dropped to 338lbs, which isn't much but I hope with the exercising it will.

So this is day one, or night one I guess and according to my app I jogged/walked 4000 steps over the course of 30-40 minutes. I felt...happier? I was really out of breath the entire jog and walk but I pushed myself to do it and had small moments of just feeling happy for once, a feeling I honestly forgot least true happiness that is. I know this post is probably to sappy and cringey, but whatever I couldn't care less and just wanted to get it off my chest and put someone up that's written as a way of making this new change have a date and a record written for me to look back on. I honestly Don't know if I can keep this up if my depression sets back in, but I hope I can push myself to keep going each day. I'm not really looking for advice, as I'm happy with taking baby steps and simply eating less without counting calories and still eating things I enjoy as well as exercising.

submitted by /u/Zuldwyn
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