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Weight Loss for Everyone: From heaviest to (almost) 8 year low.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

From heaviest to (almost) 8 year low.

Posting to gain the motivation for a final push.

MFP weight progress:

I have been using my fitness pal for 8 years on and off but I always lose motivation. On Jan 1st this year I hit 220lbs which is my heaviest ever weight and I decided I needed to do something about it. I have calorie counted, completed C25K and now consistently run twice a week as part of a virtual challenge. I’m currently down to 185.8lbs which is nearly my lowest weight since using MFP.

Since returning to working on site at the beginning of March I’ve had many people comment on my weight (and lockdown hair) for the first ever time and I am left in a situation where none of my clothes fit me properly anymore. It’s been a great journey so far and a few more pounds down and I’ll be at my lowest ever weight!

Thank you to everybody who posts on here as your experiences have been hugely motivating over the past few months.

submitted by /u/cicocouple
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