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Weight Loss for Everyone: First time under 200lbs in 4 years.

Monday, April 26, 2021

First time under 200lbs in 4 years.

So I was 180lbs about four years ago. Shortly after, I went through a severely traumatic event, my PCOS symptoms were rather severe at the time, and I ended up gaining about 40 pounds. Since then, I've been steadily hovering at 220lbs, no matter how active I've been, what diets I tried, or what lifestyle changes I tried to implement. Fast forward to about 8 months ago, I got a PCOS diagnosis (which explained so many symptoms that I've been struggling with since I was a teenager) and began a bunch of different hormone medications to help regulate my symptoms.

My first few months were hell. But after I got through the initial hell of adjustment, I started casually working out and was able to portion control better. Lately, I've been getting into running (nothing crazy, just short runs here and there) and hitting the gym every other day. I've actually started looking forward to exercising because it became a part of my life that I enjoy, rather than something to punish myself with.

I have been going to a new gym and today I noticed that they put in a new scale. I don't like to weigh myself as I have struggled with an eating disorder in the past (and if you have experienced an ED, you know that it becomes something you have to passively fight every day). But something compelled me to weigh myself today. I stepped on the scale and was shocked - 200.4lbs. My heart started racing. I frantically took off my shoes and my jacket and checked the scale again.


For the first time in FOUR YEARS, I am under 200lbs.

I honestly felt like jumping for joy in the middle of the gym. It's not that I lost pounds - while it's nice, it honestly comes second to what my weight loss represents: health. I've struggled so much with my body and my health that it feels so good to be closer to where I was before my PCOS and trauma took my body away from me. I'll be honest, because of how hard it has been for me in the past, I was not actively trying to lose weight so I'm not sure if this post really belongs in this subreddit, but this victory is sending me over the moon right now.

I'm so happy. Not happy to be lighter - happy to be healthier. And I think that is the most important part of the journey.

submitted by /u/azulalovesyou
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